Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
Yeah I am in my 40s and I when its quiet I hear that squealing and I really cant hear what I used to.
Then why dont you like it?
The Rs did exactly what the Ds would have done, and its actually a feature of being president that they cant be bogged down by lawsuits unless its impeachment.
Do you realize that everything you said is talking points and can easily be rebuffed or pointed also in the direction of democrats for doing worse things in the same area?
Sure, but the opinion has to be based in reality. If you hadnt noticed right now, the attack on trump has shifted to him being a fascist and a direct danger to democracy. Nothing has really changed, its the same basic trump.
Really makes no difference
Uh yeah it does because the two things he listed are under presidential control, and it shows he was making a joke. You might not like the joke, but there is not stated intent to be an actual dicatator. And the all the rest is guess work or projection.
What were the two things he listed after he said he was going to be dictator on day one?
The issue is that they are misleading you with lying facts. For example if I said “A person is YY times more likely to die in a hospital than at the grocery store”, that would be true but its misleading to believe that if I go to the hospital I am more likely to die than at the grocery store.
Which platform would that be? I am not trying to be difficult, but I think probably all platforms are heavily biased.
You know very well that trump is not just a political candidate. He is a fascist piece of shit and has already stated that he will be a dictator.
Annnnnd this is where you go off the rail.
I simp for the truth and consistency. Elon is just another billionaire that is influencing things, the only reason you care about what he is doing is because your team tells you to care. You guys used to like elon, but since he left the circle jerk he is the enemy. You should like a troll billionaire but you cant get past the agenda.
What platform are journalists supposed to be using when almost all of them seem to be biased?
and your a fool
So this points out how you dont care about science because you are completely close minded. What you will find is that with your group this is common, they will not even begin to admit the possibility of a deity.
So with what certainty do you think there is no God?
Yeah sorry, I am not going to read all that wall of text. Have a great day!
You keep gaslighting me and I dont really care. My behavior was normal and you just seem to be over reacting about something. Just like you claiming I am being defensive, I am jsut telling your I am not going to explain myself to you, and I dont care if you are wanting to scold me, you dont have any power over me.
No, you are not related to me and I dont care if you try to scold me. I did nothing wrong or shameful and I dont need to explain anything to you. If you get offended by internet conversations then dont have them. If you dont understand what I am saying feel free to ask questions but I am not answering to you.
“But the people are the fruits of what the religion is!” No, they typically are a failing of following the tenants.
If you dont understand what I am saying then just ask, insulting is just childish.
Sure, teach them the dangers but also make it as hard as possible for them to access it.
I think another big issue outside of porn is that when kids grow up with phones they turn into people that are always looking at phones. I have some inlaws kids that have phones, and they are just inherently not interesting and dont engage. I agree that phones are a good tool, but when people are constantly having it in their hand it gives them addiction and makes them not interesting.
So this was exactly the way I thought you would go so I didnt want to invest a lot of time. Those things you mentioned are not related to christianity, it christians doing things. If you actually understand the bible I would say 4/5 go directly against the bible and the last one is questionable.
The main issue is that people apply the things that a person of a belief system does to that belief system. For example they will see a Rep or Dem commit a crime and say that the particular party is responsible, or for in your case christianity is responsible for what its people do.
“But the people are the fruits of what the religion is!” No, they typically are a failing of following the tenants.
This is shallow, but here it is… When you are dating to marry look at the womans mother to see what her weight will probably be like after having kids. If her parents are big, she will probably be big.