Good luck out there, I hope you get your foot in the door soon! Once you’re in with a good company and they understand your value, you’ll do well.
Good luck out there, I hope you get your foot in the door soon! Once you’re in with a good company and they understand your value, you’ll do well.
At least half of the people working in tech shouldn’t be. They have 0 clue what they’re doing and that’s dangerous. And far to many people solve everything with a golden hammer.
You don’t need a Mac to work in IT. Especially if all your doing is ansible.
Ansible sucks. It’s slow, it’s limited, it gives a false sense of understanding to do many. I mean it’s nice that it’s a structured playground for some folks I suppose. But there are better tools that do the exact same thing. Or you could just write a proper script.
Or has ups and downs.
I always wanted kids. So it’s a constant source of regret and emptyness.
On the other hand, life is cheaper. I can do what I want when I want. I’m not wrapped in worrying about my kids all the time.
I’d say yes. Earlier this week, it navigated me, and I assume a metric ton of people through road construction. Took me over an hour to get to My destination. There’s no chance that was actually the fastest route. 0 chance road construction and stalled cars was faster than literally anything else
😆 glad it brought a smile to someone else!
Generally you’re going to find that a laptop works better when you use both hands on one and not one laptop for each hand.
For anyone not familiar… That would give you 14.4 MB (1.44 MB formatted x 10) of capacity. The rated speeds for a floppy drive is 1000 kilobits per second. So if you did a Raid-0 (striped), let’s just say that gives you 10,000 kilobits per second. We convert transfer speeds to storage speeds (8 bits to 1 byte)… Means 1.25MB/s. So best case, it takes you about 11.5 seconds to do a full transfer of the 14.4MB. it actually be much slower because this is best case scenario.
I only listen to two, usually while diving
It’s just people shooting the shit. Just friends chatting.
Oh you can add so much more on Apples entry. For a fun read, I suggest doing a web search for ‘Apple anti-suicide nets’. Apple and nestlé are among the top of my list for companies I morally cannot support due to human exploitation.
Drinking is not the most important things in the world.
In the US for sure, teenagers start to idolize alcohol and eventually it becomes the pinnacle of cool for some. “Parties” end up revolving around just the alcohol and getting completely wasted. Trust me, you are not a cool, as charming, etc, as you think you are when drunk. And there’s are, absolutely people who will show up to these parties expecting to exploit drunk people.
I’m not telling you ‘NEVER DRINK!’… More like, you don’t need to try drinking a lifetimes worth of alcohol everytime there’s alcohol around you. 1 drink can be enough. And don’t hang out with people who push you to drink or don’t accept ‘no’ as an answer and try to peer pressure you into drinking.
Upper aged young adults… I’m stealing that, 😂
Sus is actually a really old word.
I’ll bite. What’s a Jreg?
If their web can catch a fly, it can catch my shit. Extra strength TP!
I always wanted children. Damn near every major life choice has been fueled by that. Took a job I knew I wouldn’t be happy at, but could be successful at to provide a better life. Yhe cars I’ve bought the safety rating for kids was to priority followed by reliability. The house I bought is within walking distance of every grade school, and the basement could easily be setup for a hangout spot for the teen years, oh and a good sized backyard for playing. One of the reasons I stayed at this job is I’m at max PTO and they actually offer paternity leave! I always make mental notes of fun places for kids so I could take them. When they were younger, and I was still considered cool, my niece and nephew wanted to move in with me 😆.
Just never met the right lady.
I would. I could better plan out my life if I knew when and why it would end. If it comes back and says oh you dying 3 years from a brain aneurysm, I can’t be stopped… Then why would I be trying to plan out for retirement? I can take everything I have and live happy for 3 years. Without knowing I feel like my last thoughts would be ‘fuck, I wasted my life’
I really like the vibram shoes. They were fine for running, granted you could also get running shoes. But they also work very well for squats and deadlifts. And I do make proper lifting shoes too. But that’s already too many pairs of shoes to bring to the gym for me.
So photos were forever stored on a database… How’s that privacy and security? This isn’t even just another iCloud leak… these were things people thought were deleted coming back.
Apple likes to talk because talk is cheap. Just like Apple used to say that Apple products didn’t get viruses. Or how Google said do no evil. Talk is cheap.
So you just like the new lazy writing. Got it.
Because I know you didn’t just draw a straight line from the 1939 Batman to the current Batman and was like ‘these are the same!’
I’ll go watch my Adam West to Kevin Conroy versions. Where he was a multi-dimensional character. And you can enjoy the more modern one where he glares at people and had been reduced to ‘I’m Batman’. And this is where we part ways. Cuz this is a threat about opinions I gave mine and you are clearly mad that I don’t like your favorite version of Batman.