Computer over. Virus = very yes
Computer over. Virus = very yes
Pretty similar to what’s going on with Twitter right now.
In the end, nothing. I had a good solid 9 months of a job I loved, with decent enough pay. But then tanks to corporate execs laid off the entire IT team and outsourced it to a staffing company and reduced the size of the team from 100+ to about 8.
I’m still there because I still need the pay, but now it’s just like every other garbage corporate job out there. Miserable and soul sucking.
I think it’s a mindflyer parasite. If you hear it talking to you, make sure not to listen.
Man, I can’t wait until the day I don’t exist anymore. My existential crisis is that I’m currently forced into existing.
Any position in a corporation other than executive.
Yeah, but over $1k is less than $6K. So… Worth it?
Oh man, my friend bought that game and has been trying to get us to play it, but I had twins, and have not more time for board games. It looked fun though
When he wanted to remind us to turn off lights, he’d yell “save electrodes!”
When he was splitting wood with the “kabunger” (splitting maul) he’d yell “katabuungie!” When he swung.
When he’d drop wood on his toe he’d yell “GOTDAMMITSONOFABITCHGRAAH”
Idk man, I’ve never gotten married and it’s been fine for me. My girlfriend and I have been together for 14 years, have 2 kids, and our family is all that has kept me going through this shitty world. Never married though, so many there is some truth to the advice.
Guy wouldn’t know majesty if it bit him in the face!
-that happened once