That’s very different than every grocery store, though. Might also be different in Canada.
That’s very different than every grocery store, though. Might also be different in Canada.
I’ve got bad news for you…
Sometimes your place of work might have electronics recycling bins or something, but for the most part you’re expected to go to a special eco centre to recycle large electronics and batteries and stuff like this. Often you even have to pay a fee for them to take these items, which seems incredibly stupid to me because it just encourages everybody to throw them out with the normal trash.
You may find some stores in some places that will take this stuff, but as far as I know this is not commonplace in much of North America. There are also some services where you can pay a fee for somebody to collect an item. We did that for a swollen lithium cell recently.
Isn’t there VR Google Earth? It’s probably the thing I’m most tempted to buy a headset for.
It’s been great for getting to games I’m not sure I would have otherwise. Ori and the Blind Forest was the perfect game to play through on it!
I hope you have a better rest of the year and beyond. This year stank a bit for me too, but there’s been some good things as well.
I got one recently too, and it’s already helping me with this. I hope you find joy in it :). I never buy myself anything so I was worried I’d regret it… but I really like it so far.
I hate when people ask me this because either it makes me think about how I didn’t get to what I wanted on the weekend, or how I was depressed over the weekend… On a good day the problem is that I mostly like to keep my hobbies and personal life to myself. I guess I’m probably hard to get to know 😅.
I hope you gave them a good yelp review!
At the end of the day, though, if I was desperate enough to rob a store I’d probably be pretty polite about it (as far as you can be considered polite in that situation, I guess!) Like, the cashier doesn’t want anything to do with this, I wouldn’t want to bother them needlessly. I hope they got the help they needed at the end of the day, and I hope it wasn’t too bad of an experience for you!
He was far from the worst as far as hostility since he was polite and all
It’s good to know there are still decent people in this world 🥰
Yeah for sure! It’s not surprising that it’s a cult classic at all. But ugh, after figuring out key bindings and going through the tutorial I would always lose interest by the time I started liberty island. Deus Ex just feels clunky at first.
This was the lesson I was hoping somebody would give. Green tea shouldn’t be “really strong” if it is you’re probably over-steeping it or using scalding water.
I like tea, but I don’t really like caffeine. It’s a conundrum :(. I wish I could have my sencha every day without it making me feel like a stranger in my own mind.
It took me forever to want to play Skyrim because the beginning is so dull. Not really a fan of the Oblivion / Fallout 3 / Skyrim openings. I can’t remember Fallout 4… I feel like it was a little faster.
I bounced off the first Deus Ex a few times… the first mission is just kind of dull.
To be honest, I think this can also depend a lot on the climate that you’re from. In cold and dry climates you don’t necessarily get as smelly. When I moved to a hot and humid place it was like “okay, showers are a multiple times a day thing here, I guess.” Even when staying inside and loafing about in air conditioning it was noticeably worse. There’s a number of factors that change from person to person too… some people are greasier, some people are stinkier. You should probably shower and deodorant up whenever you’re going to leave the house and be near other people as a rule of thumb, but I think a fair number of people don’t shower every day and can get by okay.
I stopped using monal in favour of Siskin, but I think it’s gotten a lot better recently too. My problem was monal started sending notifications for every message in every chat room at some point so I uninstalled it. I assume this has been resolved.
Siskin, but it doesn’t do push with omemo perfectly. Monal does that better.
The iOS clients have gotten miles better in recent years. It’s still far from perfect, but I’m grateful for the improvements.
It’s not, but I think this things serve a similar roll as a stream of content for people, without the need to curate their subscriptions so much.
Atom :P.
I’m with you, but I think a lot of people either switched to just consuming everything from things like Reddit and other social media platforms / never used RSS in the first place and are thinking about using it now but wondering if it’s “dead” (which thankfully it is not).
As an aside… it’s usually not too bad to transfer your emails to another service (though gmails limits for this are slightly annoying). Probably not your biggest hurdle, but this particular one can be dealt with.
There’s a few programming languages that aren’t based around English, but they’re pretty rare and I’m not sure many people use them. It’s kind of sad because it makes programming much less accessible if you’re not an English speaker… But it’s also sort of a blessing because it’s easier to understand code you might have to interact with because it’s probably written in an English-ish language with the Roman alphabet, and you’re not stuck trying to read Japanese or Arabic or something to understand a library. I have mixed feelings on it. It’s convenient for me as an English speaker, but it also seems kind of unfortunate. I’ve heard that computer science is a field which is having a pretty big impact on the spread of English in the world, but I haven’t found a citation for that and I’m not sure I believe it.