This is one of my favorites:
This is one of my favorites:
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”
“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.”
Cows are the most fit for their environment. Their environment being a useful and sustainable food source for humans to cultivate.
Probably should be, but isn’t. Bimonthly can mean twice a month or every two months.
You’d be surprised how little that definition helps when someone insists a tomato is not a fruit.
12:00:00 exists in both AM and PM. I have my lunch at 12 PM.
An event that happens biweekly could occur at the same frequency as an event that happens bimonthly.
Fruits are the reproductive organs of plants designed to be eaten by other animals in order to spread their seeds.
Botanically fruit is basically defined as anything with a seed in it.
Although I think botanically vegetable is defined as edible plant matter, so strictly speaking all fruits are vegetables but not all vegetables are fruits.
Thanks tips.
My point is if someone did show up at your house gifting you a horse for Christmas it would be appropriate for you to respond with “what am I supposed to do with this?” And someone telling you “it’s a nice gift, be thankful for it” would be an unreasonable response.
It’s an example that not every gift is thoughtful just because it’s a gift.
I know nothing about horses. I won’t look this gift horse in the mouth because I don’t know know what I’m looking at, but I’m also not going to be thrilled with the horse you’ve gifted me that I have no idea what to do with.
I didn’t like a gift that demonstrated zero understanding of who I was or what I would have wanted.
There was no attempt to talk to me about going outside more or getting more exercise, I have always been pretty skinny and reasonably healthy, and at no point did I indicate that I didn’t go outside or wasn’t active.
But I’m sure you understand my parents and their motivations better than I do.
Lenny moment.
They got me something I had no interest in and were upset I wasn’t using it. Ever hear the phrase “it’s the thought that counts”? It demonstrated zero thought into what I would actually be interested in.
It’s like buying a teen a set of knitting needles and being surprised that they didn’t start knitting with them.
Either way, a Steak House is probably not a place they’re interested in.
I’ve always been a computer/theatre nerd. When I was a teen my parents bought me a bike. I did not express nor have any interest in a bike, but I’m sure my mom felt I needed to go outside more and spend less time on the computer. A week or two later while upset at me about something else she complained that I haven’t even used my new bike yet.
Supreme Court justices are nominated by the president and then the house and Senate approve or deny the nomination. The current justices were nominated by Democrat majorities.
It’s the Senate that approves nominations to the supreme Court.
Of the Supreme Court Justices that voted to overturn Roe v Wade:
Amy Coney Barrett was approved by a Republican controlled Senate.
Samuel A. Alito was approved in 2006 by a Republican controlled Senate.
Brett Kavanaugh was approved in 2018 by a Republican controlled Senate.
Neil M. Gorsuch was approved in 2017 by a Republican controlled Senate.
Clarence Thomas was approved in 1991 by a Democratic controlled Senate.
4 out of 5 of the Supreme Court justices that voted to overturn Roe v Wade were approved by Republican majorities. Two of which happened after the Republicans used their majority to block Obama from being able to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court. The one approved by Democrats happened 33 years ago when American Politics were significantly less partisan.
This is why I pushed you to stop speaking in metaphor and say something factual, because once you did you proved you were not speaking about actual reality.
Republicans abuse power to push through their agenda, and your response to that is to allow Republicans to continue to have enough power to continue to abuse the system while you blame Democrats for not stopping them. Your arguments make no sense in reality so you have to hide them behind metaphor.
“Why didn’t Democrats stop them”? Because they did not have the seats to do so. Refusing to give them seats won’t allow them to stop Republicans from overturning the next civil right while they continue to turn back the clock on progress.
How exactly did they “invite the other guy over and help him steal it”?
Are Democrats holding a gun to your head? Or are they saying “if you leave him alone with your stuff he’s going to steal it, you better leave me alone with your stuff as I won’t steal it.”
“Could you lock up my stuff so he doesn’t steal it?”
“No, I’m just not going to touch your stuff.”
I’m still angrier at the person who is actively trying to steal my stuff.
If one person is standing by not doing anything while another person steals my stuff, I’m definitely going to be more mad at the person who actually stole my stuff.
If I am forced to leave one of them alone with my stuff I will make sure it’s not the stole from me.
RIP SkaveRat