• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • I didn’t like a gift that demonstrated zero understanding of who I was or what I would have wanted.

    There was no attempt to talk to me about going outside more or getting more exercise, I have always been pretty skinny and reasonably healthy, and at no point did I indicate that I didn’t go outside or wasn’t active.

    But I’m sure you understand my parents and their motivations better than I do.
    Lenny moment.

  • Supreme Court justices are nominated by the president and then the house and Senate approve or deny the nomination. The current justices were nominated by Democrat majorities.

    It’s the Senate that approves nominations to the supreme Court.

    Of the Supreme Court Justices that voted to overturn Roe v Wade:

    Amy Coney Barrett was approved by a Republican controlled Senate.

    Samuel A. Alito was approved in 2006 by a Republican controlled Senate.

    Brett Kavanaugh was approved in 2018 by a Republican controlled Senate.

    Neil M. Gorsuch was approved in 2017 by a Republican controlled Senate.

    Clarence Thomas was approved in 1991 by a Democratic controlled Senate.

    4 out of 5 of the Supreme Court justices that voted to overturn Roe v Wade were approved by Republican majorities. Two of which happened after the Republicans used their majority to block Obama from being able to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court. The one approved by Democrats happened 33 years ago when American Politics were significantly less partisan.

    This is why I pushed you to stop speaking in metaphor and say something factual, because once you did you proved you were not speaking about actual reality.

    Republicans abuse power to push through their agenda, and your response to that is to allow Republicans to continue to have enough power to continue to abuse the system while you blame Democrats for not stopping them. Your arguments make no sense in reality so you have to hide them behind metaphor.

    “Why didn’t Democrats stop them”? Because they did not have the seats to do so. Refusing to give them seats won’t allow them to stop Republicans from overturning the next civil right while they continue to turn back the clock on progress.