Maybe, just maybe Ford is doing all these horrid patents so they can just hold on to them so no one can make them… Would actually be pretty brilliant . That being said wayze already has ads.
Maybe, just maybe Ford is doing all these horrid patents so they can just hold on to them so no one can make them… Would actually be pretty brilliant . That being said wayze already has ads.
People don’t like being told their wrong
They got an EOTECH Holo attachment?
Warning about those hanging fly traps. I used them and somehow the glue got aerosolized and spread to every surface of my apartment. I never no idea how this happened but everything I own was covered in brown sticky dots. It was a mother fucker to clean.
Yeah I remember that post on Reddit. Holy shit my mans literally ran like 1000ft of copper through his ceiling into his house’s plumbing lmao. He also had a WILD monitor setup, was more like a pit than a desk.
Hell or High Water is a pretty accurate depiction of how shittily our government treats our vets I’d say though. The small town struggles of everything that isn’t owned by 3 corporations closing is pretty realistic too. Just needed more meth/heroin to be authentic.
Damn are you me? Like literally my go-to for lunch too haha
Walks in, assumes you’re stupid, adds nothing, leaves.
On the knife bit it’s no huge deal, it’s not ruining anything, just hone them often. Our knives would get gangbanged all night in the kitchen, they’re designed to have the angle of attack adjusted. - ex chef
Also ExFor series where the UN’s only starship is run by the US Army. But that’s more… a consequence of events that lead an infantry soldier to inexplicably be in command of a starship. He even mentions how unusual the whole situation is, and to be in command over actual UN Navy officers. But he remains in command through being the only experienced skipper of a space warship in all of humanity regardless of being in the Army.
He also muses that starships wouldn’t be best to be crewed by blue water navy forces, but rather submariners because they too cannot go above deck and are accustomed to long deployments in a tube. A lot of space warfare in that series is sensor evasion and standoff engagements, also like subs.
Haha also has funny lines like “I tossed the ball against the wall. I guess I should call it a bulkhead but I’m in the Army and we call them walls”
She’s so inept at life she can’t even cut soft bread right or breath correctly.
Great setup but I kinda feel like he forgot to test the mirror checks while driving haha. Looks good at the start though. Definitely thinking about getting some tracking tech myself.
Smythe - ha someone read ExFor!
IBM feels
Yep exactly this. I’m pretty tech oriented and even I was confused about the concept of instances at first.
Bless the Maker and His water.