Oh well fuck me I replied to the wrong thing! Disregard my idiocy.
Developer for 30+ years, father of four.
Oh well fuck me I replied to the wrong thing! Disregard my idiocy.
The OP I replied to.
The devastating climate effects of m-p{3} were well known through most of the 21st century until their death.
Pretty much all of them. I am a large white male, so I’m part of the privileged class, at least here in the US. Despite belonging to the LBTQIA+ designation, I don’t have to care about how people perceive me, as I’m just too big and white to care. And I’m well aware of that fact. I use that privilege in my own way to protest, denounce and work toward change the best way that I can. I wear skirts, don’t have to give a shit about my hair, and cannot truly empathize with anyone else, in regard to their troubles. I care. I will always do the best that I can to support people who aren’t born into looking like me. People who don’t know my history think I am full of shit or pretending, but that’s ok. They don’t have to know me. All you need to know is that I support you and people like you.
Critical thinking. At least, I hope.
I watch one of these videos every day when I wake up. Every piece is improvised on various instruments. Some are fantastic, some are kinda so-so like today’s. They’re always calm and a great way to start the day. Haven’t yet heard her speak.
Usually it’s Baader-Meinhof whenever I forget about it.
The universe will remember you forever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-hiding_theorem
English mother fucker, do you speak it?
Both of my parents, as I grew up in the 80s, were not religious. I did go to Sunday school at the behest of my grandparents who were all quite religious, but I never believed in any of the beliefs they were peddling. I can completely understand the need to believe in something, as the alternative is existential dread. As I wind down my life, heading to a void, I don’t find that discomforting. I don’t find all of history before I was born discomforting, so why would I find all of history after I die discomforting?
In N Out
Wait until you see what I do in a NASCAR race.
For the day? I guess it depends on how technical you want to get about what a screen is. I’ve read on a Kindle for 5 hours today, as I want to re-read this book series before the next book comes out next week. I was also flying in flight simulator at the same time, but that was 80% autopilot.
Hmmm, it seems that trolls have invaded AskLemmy.
Ok, I’m all in favor of some rather radical questions on here, but come on.
Yes. For three of my kids, they all took naps until they were 5 or 6. However, my youngest, the little bastard, stopped needing them at 2, which was a huge struggle as the daycare needed all the kids to take a nap at the same time (understandable).
Some kids simply don’t need it. Every kid is different and you can’t really force them to sleep if they don’t need to.
Thank you for using clear language with proper spelling and grammar. It is a rare thing to see these days.
This sounds like an apology video written by an AI and thus I am not sure if you’re being sarcastic.
That’s super helpful information, thank you very much!
frantically starts drinking heavy water