At what point can you tax deduct your phone as a business expense?
At what point can you tax deduct your phone as a business expense?
In the short term it really helps productivity, but in the end the reward for working faster is more work. Just doing the hard parts all day is going to burn developers out.
If it were codified like this as law everywhere, people would accept it better. The rule breaking is what pisses a lot of people off. It would be much more predictable and safer too.
Our road system, retirement benefits, health system (except USA), public school system, national parks are all socialist.
Alice, the secretary?
An environmental impact study on this would be interesting.
If you fine people based on their bank balance, you end up fining careful savers, not rich people with shell companies.
The best way to achieve the same goal for the more major fines is with custodial sentences. E.G. 2 weeks for drinking and driving.
And for the more minor traffic stuff with points and bans. If every one has the same number of points and gets the same ban, it is fairer
Consider a site like arstechnica. Just tech news, less depressing crap.