A robot can not harm nor, through inaction, allow harm to come to a human
A robot must obey unless it counters rule one
A robot must protect itself unless it counters rule 1 or 2
“All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” -Hawking
Humanist, interested in helping and learning.
A robot can not harm nor, through inaction, allow harm to come to a human
A robot must obey unless it counters rule one
A robot must protect itself unless it counters rule 1 or 2
I firmly believe that the reddit takeover was a part of the grand region destabilization plan to sew discord and resentment in our society by foreign powers. I caution that I am not unaware that it is exactly what or alphabet agencies have been doing to the rest of the world.
Communication among humans is the only defense. Cheers to you, friend! Thanks for contributing to the conversation.
You are on the list now, dawg. Another real person who I shall look forward to conversing with in the future. Exciting! Gotta assign you a color, hmmmm how do you feel about chartreuse?
I was digging through old foot lockers from my army days, a while back, and found an old AOL 2.0 CD. I did not toss it into the fire, however. Fond memory friend, thanks
I have actual internet friends here. People who, based solely on their efforts and words and interactions, align with my own beliefs and ideals and help me temper and adjust accordingly as time goes on. Adults. I’d happily stay like this or with more, similar people, growing slowly and legitimately.
Couldn’t agree more. I have a '69 Torino that I love almost as much as my family. Almost. Lol. Maybe we should start a community? Cheers!
Astute. Didn’t even think of that. Well put, friend.
Had the same feel too, good point. Man, the 1965 version of that car is FIRE.
What in the blue applesauce fuck is that car?! Renault? Actually, it feels Italian. Genuinely interested. Great share, thanks!
What was this prompt mate? Flying spaghetti monster console enthusiast runs with wild horses of Onancock?! Great share, thanks!
Who, in the blue applesauce fuck, is still playing d4? Am I missing something? Did it get significantly reworked? I played a few weeks and put it down, like I thought most others did. Should I check it out again?
Has anyone attempted to draw the Victorian Era corollary to this subculture? Don’t misconstrue, I am a member too, and I enjoyed a chuckle, gazing from over top my own personal click/clacker. But also, I pondered if 150 years ago something similar occurred in perhaps the shoehorn community. Know what I mean?
Anyone else sitting right on the edge with Nintendo and this shit? It’s like Lego and plastic ocean trash, how the fuck are these folks avoiding pitchforks?
Ohhhhh boy, I get to nerd out. OK, super short story; reading and chatting about The Expanse book series got me pointed towards the work of Alastair Reynolds. The early parts of his universes arch aren’t really relevant for your purposes, but in the latter books, how humanity survives on lifeless rocks, is exactly what you’re looking for. Plus, he’s a astrophysicist doctor, iirc, and it is quite quite good hard Sci Fi.
Where is this suffering you speak of?
I dig it, but what kinda rear windshield that blue car got? Barking lasers n’ shit.
You’re coming after my Rimworld?! BITCH IS YOU CRAZY?!
Bank teller w/half a dog tag chain.