The children yearn for the mines.
My tattoo guy shares a name with a very famous author and theres a sign outside his station that says “No not the author and if you ask you will be charged extra”
I think the front is a magazine and the grip where the trigger is is also a magazine lol
When I had it, I was ordering from doordash every week. So paying for the monthly fee covers one orders delivery fee basically. Very worth if you use it a lot but I started cooking more after I canceled it.
At one point I had
Spotify, Wow, Runescape, Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, Amazon, and Doordash. I didnt even realize it but one day I was just like, why the fuck am I paying for all this. Cut it allllllll away. Now I just have Spotify and HBO. Not as bad and if I want to watch something on the other platforms I cancel HBO. One streaming service at a time.
You should see when someone pisses on top of the urinal. Thats a real treat.
All the people saying humans in this thread are the reason humans should be deleted.