Hang on, I think I get joke!
Hang on, I think I get joke!
Hello there!
I haven’t logged into my spezzit account either, but I did have to click on a search result that seemed to have the answer to what size screw the cooler master q300l case uses. Except no one had answered, so I compromised my principles for nothing.
Same. I stopped visiting after the boycott started. A couple of days before rif went down, I popped back in to say bye to my friends on there and that was it.
Marcus Chown’s book is a good primer on quantum theory, but it will make your head spin.
(you’ll understand the dad joke after you’ve read the book)
This is hilarious! The mods are being compensated for their time with shiny gold stars!
This would be fine for small independent forums that don’t really make a profit, but for spezzit? More fool them.
Some links
Flow describes an intense and focused concentration on what one is doing in the present moment, a merger of action and awareness, a loss of reflective self-consciousness. In a sense, when someone is in a state of flow, the mind enters a meditative autonomous trance, which can distort their perception of time, as they become solely absorbed in their present action.
Most of us have experienced flow at some point when we have been so absorbed in a physical or creative activity that all our sensations and thoughts have felt reduced to a compressed euphoric singularity, and our actions have felt dissociated and involuntary.
Professor Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the psychologist who named the concept, said in a 2004 TED Talk that: “When you are really involved in this completely engaging process… [you don’t] have enough attention left over to monitor how [your] body feels, or [your] problems at home… [Your] body disappears – [your] identity disappears from [your] consciousness.”
Yeah. I tried the vegan cheeses because you have to have cheese on pizza right? (Violife is the only decent tasting one I’ve found here that doesn’t contain carageenan). Then I tried making pizza without cheese and it’s just as good. So now I have cheeseless pizza. The flavour comes from the veg.
Anything creative, as a lot of people have suggested. It’s highly satisfying to see a finished product you crafted yourself. And they really make you get in the zone and hyperfocus.
Scrapbooking is a good one. Sift through your photos, find some that bring back good memories and get them printed. Invest in a small spiral bound scrapbook, some acid-free coloured paper and decorations (you can get these from poundshops/dollar stores). Look at other people’s scrapbooks online and shamelessly copy their designs until you can come up with your own.
Maybe you could even make some for the people you care about. Added bonus of being able to go over good memories with them. Maybe you can bring a smile to both of your faces.
Another cute one is making models out of greyboard (the grey cardboard on the back of refill pads).
Best of luck, I hope you feel better soon!
I did consider it, but most of my posts are in a private sub anyway. I guess I’m holding on to the slim hope that one day spez will feck off and someone sane will be put in charge. I do miss that sub, a lot of cool people there. Unfortunately I don’t think a single one signed up to lemmy, but I tried.