Rod of animal control: it only works on dogs and it only makes them follow you and perform basic actions like sit and give paw.
On closer inspection it’s just a chew treat
It will be eaten if the dog gets a hold of it
Rod of animal control: it only works on dogs and it only makes them follow you and perform basic actions like sit and give paw.
On closer inspection it’s just a chew treat
It will be eaten if the dog gets a hold of it
Nice try Boeing, you’re not going to get me that easily
The article seems to suggest a change on the Google search algo and how Reddit pumps the SEO is to blame as it’s showing up in search rankings above other more relevant results.
I’m assuming “traffic” here is individual page visits, which would shoot up if people are just pulling up one page from a “how do I do X” type of search. I doubt this boost is coming from people sticking around, but I’m sure that’s not how Reddit will spin it.
You don’t really deserve this, but whatever dick head…
“Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA implanted with Neuralink, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
Bad news is we’re postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we’ve got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis cyber men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line. You’ll know when the test starts.”
Cooking. Took a tray out of the oven and put in on the top. Turned to grab a spatula and caught the edge of the tray with the loose end of the oven glove.
As it slid off the top my dumb ass quickly grabbed for it with my ungloved hand, missed, and just pressed the searing hot tray into my stomach and thighs.
Two pies on the floor, that while I was whimpering in the cold shower upstairs, the dog ate.