Are they still horrible people if they’ve been brainwashed by conservative propaganda all their life?
Are they still horrible people if they’ve been brainwashed by conservative propaganda all their life?
Do we really need a scientific discovery to prove an existence that doesn’t exist? I think the proof that’s required is proof that God does exist and until that comes about, religion is clearly just a man made construct for the purpose of power and control.
Besides, I’ve given clear scientific examples to religious people before and they simply stated that it exists that way because god created it that way which is just the dumbest fucking thinking imaginable. You can’t help those people.
Apple products are terrible and overpriced. I don’t understand why anyone would ever use one.
And that’s been true since before the year 2000.
Bring back duels!
My coworker has the same reasons except he has another coworker drive him to/from work so his reasoning is kinda sloppy there.
There’s literally nothing we can do. Those in power will always abuse their power eventually and now with modern tech, they abuse that too. Yeah there is really no reason for it and it sucks but they just do it because they fucking can. I’ve had my fill of power tripping assholes who don’t deserve it.
Leave it until the system fails then when things go tits up you can tell the owner that you knew the problem was coming and gave multiple warnings to your boss about it and he shut it down.
Ah yeah just like the other post, make sure there is evidence.
I’m cancelling mine because my job lied and never gave me a raise and my other debts are also piling up. Pirating and eating rice for the next few months maybe longer.
My current coworker who has the same position as me but does nothing but sit there and stare at his phone all day. I do more work than him in 10 minutes than he does all day long and he is getting paid $3/hr more than me. On top of that, he has a dead tooth or something because it always smells like shit near him. By midday, the entire room will stink of his shit breath. I assume he’s never heard of tissues because he blows snot rockets onto the walls and floor daily. He takes half an hour bathroom and smoke breaks. 2 each daily so he is on break about 2 hours a day not including his lunch. Plus he takes that long breaks at the busiest times of the day. He basically works an hour or less a day.
Lots of massage parlors I’m sure are front for sexytime places.
Maybe this will make people finally stop using the site for good. But I doubt it.
Who wants to see a child rapist every time you go to their site?