I work in a career where some folks can really drink the coolaid… But, like, we’re not really changing anything? At all.
But who cares? It is what it is - do the job, get paid, go home and do something fun.
I work in a career where some folks can really drink the coolaid… But, like, we’re not really changing anything? At all.
But who cares? It is what it is - do the job, get paid, go home and do something fun.
Oh for sure - I’ve been calling myself an Absurdist for years. It just fits and makes the most sense to me.
This is how I’ve made sense of the world… Nothing actually matters so I get to choose what matters to me.
If this is real, you seem like a good person and I’m going to keep your example in mind.
I’m in a place where $200 isn’t much, but if someone helped me help my kid that’d be priceless.
Were you aware of the recent study talking about male microchimerism in the female brain?
Your talk about woman needing to remain ‘pure’ because of ‘the patriarchy’ made me think of it.
I don’t see that they’ve identified any downstream impact from having extra DNA, but wouldn’t it be funny if that actually did impact folks negatively?
Personally, I’m sure glad I’m not carrying around a historical record of the folks I’ve been ‘very friendly’ with…
I haven’t… But I don’t use Facebook or Reddit.
Buying a home.
The Witcher 2. I died so many goddamn times in the intro scene, rage quit, came back years later and thoroughly enjoyed it.
You’d be told to leave. If you didn’t, you’d be arrested for trespassing. And being a fuckwit.
I am tired of hearing about Palestine, fuck the folks that committed the recent attack, and at this point I hope they just glass the place. 👍
So I guess I feel fine.
I don’t - I’m from the time when YouTube was just videos of idiots doing idiot things…
Might as well start this off right…
Have you heard of Malazan Book of The Fallen? 😁
I’m currently an attorney but in another life I worked help desk in the military.
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