It has unfortunately come up before, hence my aprehension in approaching the topic.
It has unfortunately come up before, hence my aprehension in approaching the topic.
What an amecdote. Thank you for lightening my mind lol
Disposable income and need for intimacy lol. Some things are not just about the sexual pleasure but fulfilling specific fetishes
Not necessarily first dates. I just answer truthfully when the topic comes up. I don’t want to have it be a problem further down the line
For the purpose of disclosure. I just cant live with myself if I do not tell prospective partners when they ask. I know there is a difference between avoidance and lying, however, I value honesty. Not implying that you are not or should thinknas I do
Absolutely not
I agree with this. I have found that most women do not however. It has been a great trouble for me, to talk about, when trying to find a new partner.
Go to the opera. World class building and performances. The whole inner ring of the city has fabulous buildings and should be on anyone’s to-see list. This is in Wien
I disagree with you in a snide and condescending tone while missapropriating your argument.
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Yes. In the phrasal verb meaning.
I am sorry if my title was perceived in that manner. My first language is not English, therefore I have some difficulty expressing my thoughts at times.
Some of my students are communists and have referred to themselves as “commies”. I was simply under the impression that this is a colloquium. Nonetheless, I thank you for your advice and trust that you keep well.
Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment. Cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones represents the moments that are most important, I agree. It was comforting to see her again and to somewhat be held true to my word, in some way. I wish you all the best. Keep well my friend.
Just the other day I had a dream about my wife and I hiking in the Pyrenees mountains. It had been her wish to one day visit them again as she grew up in a small town sorrounding them. She often went there with her family in her youth but never managed to do a full adventure hike along the southern ridge. Before she passed away I had made a promise to her that we would make an effort to see them one last time. Her illness progressed more rapidly than we could have anticipated and alas I was not able to keep my promise. That dream made me feel nostalgic for her presence again and in some way I believe it offered some solace for my regrets of dissapointing her.
I see. Thank you for the clarification. Have a nice day my friend.
Imteresting, thank you. I will dwell on the topic further.
I just use both lemmy and reddit
I have enough of the superiority complex of some lemmy users who think they are better than others for using a certain website