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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024

  • My migraines are actually usually without headache, just a lot of aura. That might sound not so bad, but it’s pretty bad.

    They tend to start a bit insidiously, with a little bit of sensitivity to light and sound and, even more so, frequently changing or bright light and fast sound.

    That’s when things start to feel overwhelming in my head, so if I’m not being obtuse, I recognize that it’s time to take medication. Sometimes my partner realizes it before I do because I’ll start covering my eyes and just mildly complaining about things being too bright or too much.

    Anyway, at that point I take sumatriptan. It requires a prescription, but it’s not expensive. It works like magic for me.

    Before I found sumatriptan, I would have to be in a dark, silent room with my head in a pillow.

  • You could do like I’ve done–raise native bees. I don’t know where you are, but in my area, mason bees and leafcutter bees are both native, solitary species. This means that they don’t create hives but rather nest in holes/tubes. There’s no queen. No honey. Very little work compared to keeping honeybees and better for the environment (assuming honeybees are not native to your area).

    As a bonus, if you grow any plants, they make great pollinators. And when you first get the bees and they emerge from their cocoons, they are tiny and adorable and a joy to watch. They’re also very passive and almost never sting.