It does for me. It’s a portmanteau of voxel and libre wit the last l of the first word and first l of the 2nd word shared. If you don’t pause at the caps and just roll straight through. It rolls just fine and is rather clever.
It does for me. It’s a portmanteau of voxel and libre wit the last l of the first word and first l of the 2nd word shared. If you don’t pause at the caps and just roll straight through. It rolls just fine and is rather clever.
So Google is selling license for code and technologies. They’ve shown no ownership of in a competitor’s product? Google is actively funding litigious troll shell corporations who shown no actual harm to harass and drain competitors resources? Google is creating and using secret apis for themselves. Breaking the ones for third parties in order to hold them back?
I’m not saying Google’s good Or anything. Not defending them in any way. But they’ve got a long way to go before they reach Microsoft level. Microsoft is literally the reason why before going public. Google had the motto of don’t be evil.
Microsoft is the OG. The other two are just imitators. The only reason Microsoft happens to step carefully. Was a little thing that happened in the late 1990s. That all penalties were largely waived for. But still it frightened them enough to behave better for a short while.
Yes, I just hope it goes better than the whole Microsoft deal. The next president turned around and basically undid all the work of the Clinton administration.
Yes I think that’s what they’re calling it now. They used to call it something else. But it generally works everywhere windows works. Though I don’t have very many windows machines myself and much prefer KDE connect. But there is something similar. Apple has one too. But it strictly only works with iPhones.
You will get no argument from me there. I used the one on Windows a couple of times. Wasn’t all that impressed. But the one on KDE is the one I use most myself.
Microsoft has released something similar for Windows. I believe it’s called Windows connect for phone? But it does exist.
Separating software and hardware would be a good start. Though that may be a big ask as that’s been Apple’s schtick from the start. But seeing as it’s a big part of Apple’s anticompetitive practices, not outrageous.
I was unaware of the CMYK support. So sounds like maybe apart from gamut tools etc. It’s getting fairly close these days which is good to hear. I’ve generally just been using it for drawing and painting with a little bit of editing. Though I still feel more comfortable editing in Gimp at this point.
Krita is heavily oriented for digital painting. But it is a very solid editor too. The interface took some time to get used to. Though I like it.
But absolutely, good is subjective. It really depends on your needs. If you’re looking to edit spicy memes anything could work. If you’re looking for non destructive workflow GIMP and krita are starting to implement that. And if you’re looking for traditional publishing specific support, good CMYK, gamut, etc. Not so much to my knowledge? If you just want familiarish… Gimp these days can imitate the classic Photoshop interface okay.
Such tolerance! Much acceptance! Granted it is a complex and nuanced situation. But squash, is that something tolerant groups do?
Someone should tell Hong Kong. I’m sure that will make them feel much better. Considering everything that’s been happening to them lately.
And I’ll give you this much. Liberals disingenuously use ml as their main foil against any sort of leftism/socialism. To the point it seems to many uneducated people like ml might actually be the left as you claim. It’s bs, there are lots of other types of leftists. But this is part of the problem with many ml. Denying and alienating all other leftists. And everyone else with the no true leftist schtick. That and the oppressive totalitarianism.
It was a rhetorical question. It didn’t require an answer. I can see what instance you’re from. And even what instance this is posted to. And I know that even by saying the T word. Even though I refrain from using it personally. Only using it as others would slur you. Because you use liberal as such. All in furtherance of trying to point out the bad faith and hypocrisy on display.
I’m 50, from the US. Raised in a traditionally liberal family. Goth since the 80s, and absolutely a black sheep. I’ll criticize liberals all day every day when they deserve it. No love for them here. I got nothing to hide. And frankly who you’re close to. That’s a red herring. You will almost never find someone who attacks ml power structures on countries more often and more viciously than people formerly from them.
Respectfully, I get that you have a lot of people disingenuously attacking your ideology as much as you do theirs. But people can and do have valid criticisms and problems with it. Despite being generally down for Marxism. I don’t see any reason for anyone outside of my machine shop to own the means of production there. Only people from the shop should. Not some Baker who will never set foot in it. Not some politician in some politburo thousands of miles away.
Frankly we have huge issues here with not having enough parties actually able to represent people. I don’t see how having less parties is going to fix that. Nor do I see the benefit of having a party in charge that would seek to jail me for life, possibly kill me, or brainwash me for dissenting with the state. There is no re-education. Only education and brainwashing. I will gladly take people ignoring me or looking at me incredulously over that sort of s*** any day.
Ideologically narrow? Have you been to‽
I’m not going to say liberals don’t go there to shitpost like ML do here. But the admins on world haven’t been summarily banning people for “tanky shit” like the ML admins have been banning for “liberal shit”. The hypocrisy of your critique is why they rightfully call out those from there. You. Making them.
To be clear, I agree that world trends centrist to right. But as an anarcho communist anti Leninist I feel much more welcome here than ML. Though there definitely is nothing more on brand than ml hypocritically criticizing liberals and liberals hypocritically criticizing ml.
They make computing appliances. And are progressively locking them down more and more.That said, the hardware apart from the anti repair lockouts is fine.
But if you want to make major changes to the look and feel, that is not the apple way. If you want to make basic changes to the hardware configuration, that is not the apple way. An apple product only does what it’s designed for and what they allow it to do. But only for as long as they allow it. Apple was one of the first outside the phone space to push artificial obsolescence heavily. Which MS recently adopted as well.
But to people with very basic needs it’s what they want. Opaque inscrutable slabs with a tightly designed stack that does what they need reliably. They don’t want to have to install an OS or change out hardware. And can live with the bland conformal interface.
There is very little else like it anywhere else, outside of… Maybe something like raspberry pi os. Maybe Microsoft Surface hardware that they’ve had a hard time committing to.
You were spot on. I pressed him on it elsewhere. And that was literally it. Which was hardly surprising.
You claimed Democrats banned books in another post. I asked you which ones. You replied to many other posts since then. But not that one. It’s almost like your hypocritically projecting again.
I bet you say all this unironically in your head while wearing a Che shirt.
Careful, that’s another antique. And no. I don’t wear my politics in any way. And would definitely not wear anything with Guevara as I have rather strong ideological differences with him.
I don’t have any cognitive dissonance. Thank you very much.
At this point I’m inclined to agree. You seem insincere and more concerned with poor attempts at unsuccessful trolling.
Lenin, look how great that turned out.
I agree. You can even check my post history as I’ve effectively said the exact same thing elsewhere. Today even. I just have actually valid, non hypothetical criticism to offer regarding it.
No. Communist countries don’t exist. There are ML countries. And yes, they’re as problematic as the unregulated capitalism countries.
Capitalism is an issue. Has been for over 100 years. As has Lenin’s malformed ideologies for almost the last 100.
You should stop digging for antiques in your mom’s basement. Before projecting on to others.
I was sincere in advising you to address your cognitive dissonance.