is anyone asking for this???
is anyone asking for this???
I’ll be honest, I felt the fomo once. Went back, realized that I’m not missing anything, came right back.
Is that what Win 10 X was? I thought it was supposed to be a light build
YUP! And then something like a 1 year free demo when you buy a computer from an OEM … to make sure all the normies get used to it.
Right of the M$ playbook.
I for once can’t wait, it’s going to be a fun dumpster fire to watch
They’re too smart to do this …
More likely they will make the base OS free and charge for the premium SaaS features … like they already do with one drive, O365 and game pass
The problem is most of us techy people that care about open source are introverts …
Try meeting some normies via websites like meetup or local hobby communities.
I’ve had good luck meeting fellow computerphiles because we’re in the same circle of friends and we even have our own events now IRL (LAN parties, retro arcade nights, programmer trivia nights etc)
They have some demos on their website