They wouldn’t be paying one person more based on where they live. They would be paying a fair rate based on a formula using miles of commute and current gas prices. Everyone would be paid the same rate. If someone works less hours, is it unfair that the person that works more gets paid more? No, they are being compensated for time, just as the commuters should be compensated for their time and maintenance on their vehicle.
Is it fair that the people that live farther away should have to pay more to come to work that those who live closer? Its not fair to me who has to pay sooo much more in maintenance and gas!
Previous smartass paragraph aside, paying both more doesn’t solve the problem. This isn’t about who is getting paid more. It’s about giving everyone the same tools to succeed. And if I am paying 100$ more a month, I’m making 100$ less a month.
I’m so happy this distraction tactic is working and everyone is talking about a goddamn laptop instead of the actual court case.