Shadow banning is rampant on both platforms for instance.
Can you elaborate on shadow banning?
No, I have four!
What about “The Verse”?
Just be straightforward: Avoid hinting, speak plainly. I can’t speak for all guys, but I’m terrible at picking up on hints.
Take walks!
You’re not wrong.
My hobby is collecting hobbies lmao
Hell yeah it does.
I’m not an engineer but as I understand it: They are harder to make than a traditional windmill. Mechanically probably wasn’t the best word to use I guess, at least for most designs.
Because money/practical limitations: It costs more to make them and in ye olden times I’m not sure they had the technology to make a reliable vertical axis turbine.
They do exist these days, but aren’t as common because they’re more expensive and complicated (which also means more maintenance, which further adds to the long-term cost).
Challenge accepted.
laughcries in neurodivergent
What can you do though: People are idiots and I am one of them.
Definitely closer to the username lol
Yeah, I’ve screwed around with it a bit and it doesn’t really seem to follow a lot of the prompts
With spaces between the words:
Bold of you to assume they even use QA
That’s not really shadowbanning, but I get your point. That said, at least the moderation actions in Lemmy are public.