Like you, I am a living person with memories, emotions, and interests. But from your perspective, I’m just another picture on a screen. Isn’t that concerning?

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • at first for about a week I had a horrible headache. it didn’t feel like a normal headache either, it felt like a mix between the sinus pressure type of headache and a fever headache. I also was sleeping 3 times as much during this phase, like I’m talking sleep before work, get home the next day and sleep 5 more hours. wake up eat dinner sleep again. but eventually I got passed it after that week or so. felt better ever since. saves a lot of money too.

  • caffeine. I was so wired from drinking like 5 redbulls every day that I wasn’t sleeping anymore, maybe a few hours here and there. I was starting to go insane. so I remember at one point on my work lunch break, February 27th 2024, I told myself I won’t ever drink these again unless it’s a situation where I need to be awake (like if I’m on an overnight layover with an early flight for example, which is rare enough). I sleep until about noon now on my days off, it’s fucking awesome.