The sand thats used to make concrete.
The sand thats used to make concrete.
Jep, low carb, no added sugars.
Select food that keeps the blood sugar from going nuts.
Oh that gave me a flashback, I owned one. My first computer while the rest of the people I know had “Commodores, Ataris , Sinclairs” .
I was the unicorn among in the gang. My parents paid an arm and a leg for it.
Some years later I traded it in for my first 128k Mac. I made a Fat Mac out of it by soldering 16 x 64k RAM chips for 1mb. Stacked 4 times for 4mb with seperate row select wires.
From my first money then I bought an Mac SE/30 and a thermo printer.
Good times.
There is a massive amount of operating systems already. List of operating systems.
Why would you like to create a new one? A lot of the existing systems are specialized for use case and or hardware.
If you want something for general PC use then you have the software problem afterwards, an OS is useless without software support. You need a critical mass of supported software before it takes off. Means money and time.
If you want to make it windows compatible you have the copyright problem, if you are flying to close to the sun it will burn you before you get to your destination .
TL:DR to high effort, low outcome.
Edit: spelling