There’s not really a fix for something like that, it’s more about learning to work with it
There’s not really a fix for something like that, it’s more about learning to work with it
I’ll elaborate on artists I see here already amd recommend MF Doom’s Mm…Food, The White Stripe’s Elephant, and a collaboration between MF Doom and Danger Mouse; The Mouse and the Mask. The last is particularly good if you’re familliar with Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
It does get better, and one day you’ll look back and be glad that it turned out the way it did, just keep going ❤️
My heart tells me that this is the correct answer
Glances could be a good option, it’s pretty bare bones, but it covers the basics and serves my needs well enough
Oh man, I played that Gorillaz Geep game so much in '07, time to revisit it methinks
Those awful american “trucks” do my head in, always a certain type of dickhead driving them too…
Allegedly German soldiers said that they didn’t shoot him because they assumed he’d lost his mind, and took pity on him
It’s an insane commitment to the bit
Bit of a waste if it was a perfectly good machine?
Lucky you going to Eurovision, how did you feel about Sweden getting the win? I know Finland was the fan favourite, and I read that apparently the crowd made that clear on the night
Is anyone else getting crazy moire patterns if they zoom in on the background?
Oh wow I’ve never really considered Gabe’s wealth, he would be exceedingly wealthy, wouldn’t he?
No but really, Douglas Adams could be what you’re looking for, very funny stuff
“repelled by the intense use of vocabulary”
“this kind of expression could very well be possible to implement in a book in a textual medium while retaining the same amount of engagement and creativity.”
I think that word means what you think it means
Same as Australia, mostly