It is so weird that people would rather see kids orphaned than raised by a white family, but it was an important lesson for me.
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB and Anti-War
It is so weird that people would rather see kids orphaned than raised by a white family, but it was an important lesson for me.
I once mentioned being proud of my mixed-race family and was called a racist. That was a crummy day.
Also, the day I decided maybe social activism wasn’t for me.
All of them.
I love the bachelor life.
Time in the market vs timing the market
Absolutely a good way to go as well, especially if you drop that cash in fee-free index funds (Vanguard’s a good way to go) or an ETF like VTI. This is absolutely the best way to go if you’re an undisciplined investor, lack patience, or just want to set it, forget it, and watch your growth over time.
I just think it’s also useful to have cash on the side so you can take advantage of crashes. You only get a handful of them in a lifetime and they are 100% the best opportunity to buy. I paid off my student loans with profits I made grabbing oil stocks in March 2020 for pennies on the dollar.
Find one small thing you can cut out and save that money every week in a savings account.
When the market crashes like it did in 2008 and 2020, take every one of those dollars and put it in stocks, because during a crash, you can often get high value stocks at a huge discount that wouldn’t exist in normal market conditions.
Wait 2-3 years for the market recovery and sell that stock at a profit.
Also, don’t wait until your 30’s to get a set of silk sheets.
If you’re happy alone, be alone. You don’t have to get married. You don’t have to get kids. Those things suck to have if you do not want them in the first place.
Going to keep doing what I’m doing now: invest every dollar I can spare and ride the coattails of the rich bastards in charge. Hoping to hit my early retirement number in four-to-eight years and have a lot of time to read, game, and enjoy my life afterward.
We’ll see, though. Trump failed so spectacularly in his first term that it’s important to keep some cash to the side in case there’s a market crash. Buying stock at 90% discounts in March 2020 and then waiting a few years paid off my student loans.
For those who don’t know, there are literal ETF’s that follow the investment choices of major legislators, like Nancy Pelosi (ticker: NANC) and Ted Cruz (ticker: KRUZ), so you can, literally, invest legally in our federal legislators’ insider trading.
Dunno, just make sure your stop-loss orders are set so you don’t get burned when the dip comes.
Haha, it’s all good.
Hey now, don’t knock our infrastructure. KC’s in good shape and we even have free public transportation.
I honestly don’t know. That’s just what I saw. Maybe they were running from it.
It’s wild to consider until you realize that several European cities have literal pee stations on walking paths and it’s not weird to whip it out and do your business completely uncovered.
A few.
I was in San Juan once and, walking back to my cruise ship, saw a van jump a curb, slam into a police vehicle, and then the driver hopped out and jumped off the pier into the ocean.
The first time I visited Los Angeles and saw literal garbage piled 2-3 feet high on public sidewalks. In the days after I saw the tent cities. (I’m from Kansas City, where garbage is very well managed and tent cities are a rarity.)
I once saw a very tall, dark shape in the woods getting chased by cows. It might have been Bigfoot. It might have been a bear or a deer that reared up on its hind legs. It was too far away for me to say for sure.
I only have it so people from other roller derby leagues can get in contact with me. That’s the only reason.
Man, it’s hard to pick. The Greeks had wonderful stories. The labors of Hercules are pretty neat:
My favorite, though, is the story of Narcissus, in part because it’s my favorite Salvador Dali painting.
Also, sidebar, but there’s a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book where you the reader are thrust in the world of greek myths and it’s awesome. (It’s called The Throne of Zeus.)
It’s corporate social media.
You’ll get ads. You’ll get your privacy invaded. You’ll have an algorithm pushing content toward you. Eventually, they’ll open the floodgates to fascists because pissing you off keeps your eyes glued to ads.
BUT, it’s also familiar, and that’s more important to people than having to do leg work, though personally I prefer Mastodon and it’s really not that hard to use once you’ve spent a few days there and gotten used to it.
Gen AI is very helpful when you’re working on modifying or filling holes in code.
Used to be that even avant-garde artists knew their shit and could create actual, beautiful pieces (Like Duchamp).
Now, people use an AI generator or duct-tape a banana to a wall.
The art world sucks.
It’s just fun.
I went to my dentist appointment in a Jack Sparrow costume today. The dentist was dressed as a tooth and his staff were tooth ferries.
It’s just dumb, wonderful fun.
Man, so many things.
They fully remodeled it in 2016, and by virtue of being stupid rich, left it fully furnished and equipped. To them it was just a line on their balance sheet that they wanted liquidated. To me, it was an extra $10,000 I didn’t have to spend on furniture and appliances.