Why would I root for any billionaire and what would for?
Why would I root for any billionaire and what would for?
It sounds like a strange scenario. You can write a lot of text but not make it precise?
I’d say it’s better to have it short and precise. It gives you an opportunity to study the details and learn while the long text sounds like it could be more open to interpretation and confusion
There was one time when I put a mold filled with liquid water in a cold container and made solid water.
In Swedish people often confuse de/dem(they/them kind of) and I honestly don’t know exactly when to differentiate. You often learn to replace the word with another like vi/oss(we/us) to see if the sentence still sounds good and then you know the form you should use
How do you mean? Like cracking the knuckles or snapping the fingers?
Start with something specific, like a character or a setting and think about what it could be like. Sketch and get ideas on paper. It doesn’t have to be good but you have to start somewhere to learn what works and what doesn’t.
Bigger numbers are better than small numbers and I have no idea.
You don’t