Generally what are you using it for? I’ve had trouble finding uses outside of youtube and a handful of news sites.
Generally what are you using it for? I’ve had trouble finding uses outside of youtube and a handful of news sites.
I setup tinyrss a month or so ago, I just can’t get into it. Any tips?
I couldn’t remember what one that was, thank you. I knew it wasn’t kids book bit thats one of the things I still say all the time
Strongbad email maybe from a female.
My favorite is Kids’ Book. “Some people are very tall and merciless, Quincy is destroying San Antonio.”
I started just with a 2 bay nas that I had a few VMs on… then it spiraled. Back with PIs were cheap it was fun to spin up new stuff all the time. Now an N100 mini-pc is way more cost effective long term, plus you get to start dipping into VMs, LXC, docker, etc.
Not to mention Home Assistant is an entire hobby in itself. 4 more aqara devices just came for me today.
I do feel like I should second the comment that it isn’t cheap, but you can do things in bits and pieces that don’t make it feel like you’re spending your life savings.
Piped is so slow for me, I’m not sure if it’s a me issue or a host issue. I finally spun up viewtube to test it out since running my own piped instance seemed cumbersome.
github is a good one, I didn’t think of that. Thank you