I think it was either frogger on the Commodore or a handful of early Atri games. (I am old and will die soon.)
Hello I am new, confused and excited about Lemmy! I like the vibes.
I think it was either frogger on the Commodore or a handful of early Atri games. (I am old and will die soon.)
This is what I did, except I’m in the USA. I had to contact the FCC directly because my phone and internet provider just pretty much quit working. Turns out they were doing repairs in our area and just didn’t tell anyone to expect interruptions. If your ISP won’t take you seriously now, they will if you file an informal complaint with the FCC or other comparable agency.
Not OP but I can visualize great, still have no sense of direction.
No. Not a tankie. It would be nice if autocorrect let me type tankie and not talkie. I had to cut and paste it I’m not proud.
Do you have any friends or family that could leave reviews or contact the manager about her? I agree that customers complaints might have more weight. Maybe have a friend ask to speak to the manager when she pulls something visable. That way your hands are clean and management has no reason to single you out.
I went to therapy for almost this exact reason. I will tell you what my therapist told me. Just because these terrible things are happening, doesn’t mean you can’t have meaning and joy in your life. It can be hard to feel grateful, it can be hard to feel happy, during such times, but it’s possible. I would suggest reaching out to a professional if you can afford it.
It can be, parts for RVs can be very expensive. I paid over 400$ for a new water heater for mine. And we were just living in one while we built our house, no engine maintenance required. Also god help you if the onboard AC breaks. Difficult and costly to fix.
For context I am almost 40 year old women. Okay, so I like to watch gaming videos on youtube. Markipler, Let’s Game it Out, CallmeKevin, RT game, Dunkey, y’know moslty geared towards kids, young adult gaming content. I never do this unless I am home alone because I don’t think anyone would get why I’m watching an adult man play a wrestling game with his bright red, 20 foot tall wrestler named Johnny Hotbody.
Hey wait a minute, are those vertical slabs? Squints suspiciously
That’s how I felt getting on regular iron supplements. This is how normal people feel all the time!? This is amazing!
Holy shit you saw The Thing as a kid!? That’s hardcore. I got nightmares when I watched it as an adult.
This was gonna be my answer. Watched it as a kid when my parents weren’t around. Finally got up the courage watch it as an adult. Yep, holds up really well.
I was an active, functional, alcoholic for many, many years. I stopped drinking for good seven years ago, haven’t touched a drop since. There has been a lot of good advice here, however I wanted to offer my (possibly unconventional) two cents.
One of the things that got my attention during my drunk years was being confronted with how much money I was spending on alcohol. That was eye opening and really, my first dim lightbulb moment of ‘oh shit’ I might have a problem. Maybe showing her how much money she is throwing away each month on hooch?
Second was the realization that all my hobbies revolved around alcohol in some way. Getting involved in some new fresh things that didn’t inherently involve alcohol was a big step. Maybe you both could plan alcohol free activities during the hours she normally drinks the worst? Go for a walk in the park, hunt some Pokemon? Get her out of the house and somewhere poeple aren’t drinking. Even if it means an emergency 11pm trip to Target for candy.
Third, I would highly recommend therapy. I was drinking to fill a hole in my life alcohol was never going to fill. Once I was on the correct medication, I realized I was just using alcohol as a crutch for my mental illness.
My last advice which I hesitate to give, but which worked for me, is to switch addictions to something a little less damaging. I’m much happier being a evening stoner than an evening drinker. Maybe she would like vaping, or mircodosing on shrooms for a mood elevation?
Again all of these ideas involve her wanting to change, but if some part of her does want to change, than this will help. Also DO NOT KEEP ALCOHOL IN THE HOUSE. Nothing. Not a drop. Throw out the vanilla extract and mouthwash if you have to.
Good Luck Buddy!
I read it. I read the whole damn book. I kept waiting for something to happen. Nothing really did. 1/10
Militarization of the police, and a extremely unfair, draconian, for profit prison system.
Spinal column. Hands down. Fix things so there’s no more disk problems, no more pain. Make spinal nervers regenerate. It is part of the very core of our being and when it doesn’t work correctly it ruins everything else.
I realized last night while doing a puzzle with friends that I can just take a picture of the puzzle box. That way we aren’t fighting over the box, and I can zoom in and rotate the picture anyway I need to.
I’m not sure this is a brilliant discovery or I am just a bit slow.
Sometimes when I get pissed off at life I go do a little sky screamimg. Basically I go out in my lawn and yell FUCK or RAAAGGGUUHHH at the sky until I feel better. Benefits of living in the country, nieghbors haven’t said shit.
Sometimes I just want to go back to bed, and never leave it again. No more going to work, no more grocery shopping, no more chores, just me laying in my bed cozy and warm.