Not quite emails, but its the same idea…
My mother will walk all around the house with her phone blaring some 30+ minute tiktok ad. She is fully aware that it is an ad, but something at the start promised an answer to … something… and now she HAS to know what it is. She complains about having to wait so long to get to the end and calls everything in the middle nonsense, and the answer she always gets is “buy thing X” but… she does it anyways. A lot. She isn’t super interested in actually watching documentary since that requires paying attention, and with this she can just set it to the side while washing dishes or something.
We’ve given up on telling her that ads exist to sell things, she views them as “mini biased documentaries” which… I suppose is sorta accurate. But it still confuses the hell out of me.
The worst part of traditional immortality is being stuck as you, I’d like to experience the entire library and range of human experinces. It would eventually know how it started and how it all ended, while seeing every perspective that got us there. They’d be a lot of days toiling in a field, a lot of days in office cubicles toiling in excel, but most importantly I’d see the small victories and tragedies that make up every life. I think that’d be the real beauty.