I said that if you dont agree with something, thats ok but dont take it away from other people. You said that same thing, but also that im wrong. Thats interesting
I said that if you dont agree with something, thats ok but dont take it away from other people. You said that same thing, but also that im wrong. Thats interesting
If you dont like X posts, you can not open X links. But dont make others unable to view it if they want
Not my instance, but hexbear is so lame. They are supposed a political instance, but you are not allowed to debate any point they dont agree. So whats the point of debating? Also, they want a revolution but are also afraid of meat and offensive words.
Its the propagandosphere that you burguerlanders live in, it doesnt let people see shit clearly
Imagine if americans were as excited to shoot politicians as they get about shooting kids in school
Thats what everyone hoped for. For a long time. Wont happen
The world is already burning and the USA are the flames
Have you heard of CIA? Or Malcom X? Or Martin Luther King? Or John Kennedy?
Damn bro take it easy with the crack
Cat POV: i keep putting the towel back in place and this asshole keeps taking it away
join tux
Deezer nuts hahahaha got ya
I just pointed that its interesting that you agreed with me and said that i was wrong at the same time. Really dont care if you agree or not