Careful. I bite. Rampantly homosexual. Massively depressed. Don’t take what I say too seriously, I’m probably having a wind up.
This gives me anxiety
Interesting idea but I would utterly hate a person like me.
The old saying about “you hate in others what reminds you of yourself” feels like it was written for me!
I really need someone to contrast my personality. I’d kick clone out within minutes.
The OP is a militant Tankie who believes in the execution of all people who disagree with them.
Now this has excellent potential. Copilot, et al are way too expensive for my unemployed ass to get. But this looks interesting.
I’m gonna go buy some motherfucking condiments!!
You’re welcome. My wisdom normally costs money but you can have that for free.
Dunno about staggered cadence but when I’ve been hearing voices I’ve found listening to very boring Buddhist dharma talks on podcast to help. They block out the voices and the dull, drone of the bikkhu lulls me to sleep.
Worth a try?
Misery. I collect misery.
Thought I was having a quarter life crisis then at 40 realised - “Oh no, that’s just life”.
It’s just bullshit and downhil all the way form birth til death.
Get used to it.
I used to run a network of ecommerce sites ~10yrs ago.
Back then there wasn’t an ecommerce platform that was 100% free for everything. Sooner or later you’d be forced to buy something. Whether is WooCommerce CSV importer or OpenCarts courier plugin - there’s always something.
Having said that I would say you can go a long way without doing that on:
Aaw cute little logo character thingie.
GitHub has art?
There’s no such thing as shyness - it’s autism.
There’s no such thing as arrogance - it’s narcisism.
There’s no such thing as absent-minded - it’s ADHD.
There’s no such thing as selfish - it’s Antisocial Personality Disorder.
There’s no such thing as neuotypical - everyone is neurodivergent.
Pick a label and get in lane.
Antisocial people actively fight against society. So like criminals raping and robbing. Asocial people just hate being around people.
So what flavour of mental illness do you pretend to have?
Does this imbue me with special power? Will I be able to breathe so hard I float in the sky?
If we all thought like that we wouldn’t have planes or butt plugs!!
Street Spirit - Radiohead