I’m sometimes super slow at the start of self checkout. If the bags are stuck together, not open, and if I didn’t bring my own, sometimes it takes me 2 minutes just to open a plastic bag. I’m trying my hardest!
I’m sometimes super slow at the start of self checkout. If the bags are stuck together, not open, and if I didn’t bring my own, sometimes it takes me 2 minutes just to open a plastic bag. I’m trying my hardest!
The Human Cannonball? He got launched out of the cannon and did one flip before getting caught by the net.
That’s what it looks like to the untrained eye. But they’re not really going to fire a person out of a cannon. That’s not safe. So he just huddles in the cannon, they light a decoy fuse, it makes a bang (with no projectile), and he spring out and jumps that distance by himself. Requires a lot of core and leg strength.
Anker Prime Charger (250W, 6 Ports, GaNPrime): $169.99 but there’s a $30 code that shows up for me, which brings it to one penny below your $140 too steep threshold.
I know it does but you said “That kills the point of LibreTube bruh.” So if you can use a VPN, and there’s no point to slowing it down…it doesn’t sound like disabling it “kills the point” at all, like you first said.
Basically, your two messages contradict each other.
The sole point of LibreTube is to use piped proxies? Odd, you figure they wouldn’t include an option to make their entire app pointless.
then must do what you need to do in order to be productive
You clearly have not worked at most larger companies which have Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) which typically involves not modifying the PC and OS with threat of termination when (not if) discovered.
using Newpipe’s own fdroid repo
Better yet, use Obtainium to “get Android app updates directly from the source. Obtainium allows you to install and update apps directly from their releases pages, and receive notifications when new releases are made available.”
Its a 5-year old product. With 5 year old specs.
It’s a Pi. Cutting edge (or even modern or high end) specs have never been it’s selling point or goal.
Ref: https://forum.f-droid.org/t/fennec-vulnerability-recommended-to-uninstall/