Are you me?
The green onion teriyaki sauce is fantastic. I mix it into ground turkey and make burgers on the grill.
On the sauce tip we’ve gravitated to SBR. It’s dark and smokey like bulls eye but sweeter.
For chicken I really like grill mates sweet and smokey rub
It kind of sounds like you’re describing bipolar disorder. These cycles of up and down.
You said this low period always happens right after your most creative periods. Depressive cycles typically last longer than the manic phase which is what you described.
Not a doctor obviously but I lived with it undiagnosed for a very long time. Maybe read up on it and see if it fits your experience.
Whatever it is I hope you find some relief.
Baby Brezza formula machine.
Pre-heats the water and has a hopper for the powder. You can have a bottle of formula ready to go in about 10 seconds. Wifi with an app too.