Currently just trying to be a girl, be kind, and trying to help the people around me.
Basically everyone I’ve talked to in my age range that has kids basically has Stockholm syndrome, but I guess there are also enough people that do intrinsically enjoy having kids.
I felt like this as well, but it turns out it was gender dysphoria for me all along. Men being completely invisible is one of the hardest parts of being masc.
One of these a few weeks ago, because I went on a walk and it was really sunny outside!
Also the teeth that keep expanding and shrinking. But if you just lowkey watch something it is really hard to notice…
Never got this game to run on my pc. I should probably try again sometime because it looks great!
200/30 + 6GB on mobile for 58€/month in The Netherlands
I kept this one, even after upgrading to F39
It is only bad in the sense that it could be so much more, but it certainly is the best we have for phones atm. There is really no reason not to try. You can just try a bootable USB first to see if Linux works for you and your hardware config. It’s a great way to test things and determine what distro and desktop environment works for you.
I’ve been using Piper for my logitech mouse:
Same here! It’s such a lovely engine. Conceptually a lot easier to grasp than other ones and first class support for Linux.
Ahh I was kinda fearing that but had no idea how that would wotk, thanks!
Is it something that can never work or something that is not yet implemented?
Honest question: what are the limitations? Most articles online compare it with FAT, which isn’t really an interesting comparison.
Male pattern baldness sucks, esp as a trans girl
Injuries take longer to heal and recovery from the gym is slower
Hangovers now take two days
Skin dries out much faster (though this might be due to E)