Doesn’t really work when 99% of posts are marked undetermined.
Doesn’t really work when 99% of posts are marked undetermined.
The views are all just webviews. You can find all of the pages in the app/src/main/assets/pages folder, it’s all html and css.
Their package name is also still com.example, their target sdk doesn’t match their compile sdk, and also neither match with the target sdk in their AppManifest.xml.
So I’m guessing this is just someone who isn’t really familiar with java or native android views or something, so just decided to build it in something they do know instead.
Well that’s nice of them, now you can easily just change that password which of course you only use for one account.
It says they support payments with the device, but if it doesn’t run android, so also no google wallet, did they actually develop their own payments platform?
Streaming is still cheaper than cable
That really depends on where you live. With my current provider here in the Netherlands, I would be paying 12.50 euros extra for TV.
Netflix standard is already more expensive than that at 13.99.
Ahh I guess they probably got my subdomains from let’s encrypt then, used them for pretty much all my websites.
Edit: Just checked and yup, all my old subdomains are there from let’s encrypt.
Yeah, the only thing I’ve ever seen is the MOK management thingy your bios will throw you into if something wants to add a new key, but iirc that can only list the key you’re about to add, not all of them. I also have no idea how you get to that menu without adding a new key.
According to this service, that domain never had any subdomains, so looks like there’s just nothing there at the moment.
Not sure how reliable it is, but it did correctly identify all of my own subdomains for a website that no one ever goes to.
Yeah, it looks cool and well thought-out, but I just don’t really see a use case for this. Maybe if it was more lightweight it could be used as a portable keyboard/controller, though I would personally probably still just bring an xbox one controller instead.
I was recently comparing some phone plans and found that nowadays, you mostly just pay the actual price of the device, plus the normal subscription costs, no interest or anything.
Got a Pixel 8 Pro from Odido (awful service btw, would not go with them again). The device costs me 30 euros per month, for 2 years, which comes out to 720 euros at the end. That’s actually cheaper than the normal resale price of ~870 (average according to Tweakers).
Actually thinking about it now, I wonder what the catch is. That kinda seems too good to be true.
Ahh I see, that makes more sense :)
Some people might want this, I just don’t get why this has to be built in to the browser, instead of an official add-on.
Especially considering it looks like they just embedded the chatgpt website in an embedded window.
The toilet paper drags against the wall either way though?
don’t they call it expo or something on amd cpu’s?
Looks like they have flat variants as well:
Yeah most TV’s I’ve seen either have a PC setting, or have a game mode that just turns everything off.
It doesn’t according to LG’s product page at least.
Also, wtf is this spec:
I don’t know connectbot, but it’s probably not putting the keys where openssh is expecting them.
By default, ssh looks for keys in ~/.ssh/id_rsa(.pub for the public key).
What I would do is just run ssh-keygen from termux, let it create the .ssh folder and set the correct permissions etc., see where it put that folder, and then just replace the id_rsa files with those from connectbot.
Looking at the files on steamdb.info, it looks like there should be a saintsrow2 file in the same directory. I’d assume that’s the x64 start script
You can, but you won’t get updates that way. Some of their apps are available as GitHub releases, which you can add to Obtainium. You can also add the direct apk download links to Obtainium, but update checking isn’t great using that method in my experience.