Literally this afternoon I jumped as high as I could to see if I could touch the ceiling. I could not.
Teachers loved telling you about shit they saw in movies and passing it off as wisdom
The only agreeable thing here is that sautéed garlic and onions are yummy. The rest is some serious 😬
From the top levels it’s because they want all their business friends to be able to make money hand-over-fist. If you didn’t go to the same ivy leagues or country clubs as this group, you are basically not a person to them.
And for everyone else toward the ground who vote for these people, it’s because they’re incredibly stupid and don’t understand things. You will never, ever persuade them with arguments, facts, reason, or logic. It’s pure gut-check layered on from decades of pure propaganda that tells them if their lives are worse off now, it’s because of those <fill in the minority> taking their jobs, or <fill in the foreigner> who hates their ‘freedom,’ or <fill in the grassroots activist> who is coming in to try and push for laws that only make the cost of their goods rise.
Codeberg is one of the best websites on the Internet right now. This blog update of theirs doubly confirms it for me.
In carrot vs stick terms, this is the most unfortunate fellow: he who can’t avoid the stick.
I enjoyed a lot of the discussion in the comments
Ugh. I’m completely convinced computer technology peaked 8 years ago and every further step has been descent to hell.
The shit that goes on today even makes me regret having studied computer science
beginning to think that i should write a bot to automate job applications to ai companies and send dozens a day
my heart melted at the simplicity of this truth!
counterpoint: stonewalling c programmers are so annoying.
Is my understanding correct? Traefik itself isn’t a traditional web server. The primary thing I host is my blog, so I would need another web server to serve that content.
Caddy operates on the principle of sensible defaults. These defaults can be optionally configured further if you desire, but from what I’ve read Caddy just shifts the defaults to good modern options when it’s ready to do so on newer releases.
But if you must override these choices or need to maintain compatibility with some other software, you can define them explicitly. Here’s how you’d forcibly enable or disable http2/3, for example.
I should look into that to see if I can restrict Vaultwarden, since I VPN into my home network anyway.
By reputation I know that Nginx proxy manager seems to work great if you’re on the “happy path” but if you need anything out of the norm it supposedly is less great to use. In my case I do have a few quirks, primarily with fcgiwrap. But I can’t say how it’d play, because I honestly never heard of NPM until yesterday when I was refreshing myself on web servers (and went with Caddy).
liberal hegemony of the last several decades fraying. but the line must go up, of course.
Seeing porn/nudity is seemingly quite common but this… this is just different enough that I felt uneasy after reading it.
I would love decent RISC-V hardware