•What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
8 months agoIf you haven’t listened to Jim Dale’s audiobook version, it’s a great way to have a third way of revisiting that story!
If you haven’t listened to Jim Dale’s audiobook version, it’s a great way to have a third way of revisiting that story!
Two monitors one computer? Bah! Why not two monitors two computers!
One main monitor connected to my Windows machine, and a second monitor next to it connected to my work Mac. Using Synergy, one mouse and keyboard plugged into Windows controls both machines.
Then, add a Framework laptop propped up on the left running Linux, also controlled with Synergy. Three monitors, three computers! Now when people ask what OS I run it’s an easy answer: all of them at the same time lol
Napkins seem like a pretty normal thing to expect at any eating establishment.
I (from the US) visited my cousins in Italy, and as we were driving around, my cousin and his best friend were joking back and forth in Italian, and it ended with him just kissing his friend on the cheek out of nowhere. It was very cute and entirely non sexual lol. Got a kick out of it since i don’t really see that at all in the US.