Shoulda gotten a tree lawyer. Tree law is not to be fucked with.
Shoulda gotten a tree lawyer. Tree law is not to be fucked with.
They said very few people
I guess it doesn’t matter since you can’t look at it with a dead battery anyway.
are there significant differences in pixel response as battery voltage goes down?
They’re going to lie and say you were unlawfully obstructing them and they’ll file federal charges. I would put a cattle grate on your entrance so you can pull it out when they’re around the area.
Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman as vice.
I switched keyboards on android, new one doesn’t have autocorrect or swipe, but it doesn’t connect to the internet. I don’t always proofread posts.
Sometimes buttons don’t work the first time you press them.
That means you ahould take the immesiate payoff or be happy with what you have instead of spensing a bunch of time trying to get more.
We’ll see hopefully they have to play whackamole and keep having to go to court and waste their time.
Do any vehicle maintenance you can now. Look up common issues for your vehicle and maybe buy those parts as they might be extra expensive due to tarrifs. If you need to you can sell them later.
Secondary used markets are going to be huge, so set aside anything you think people will want in the future. Buy an ebike just in case driving becomes too expensive. Download as much media as you think youll want because theyre trying to ban piracy sites and free options may dissapear.
Even if you switch to an offline keyboard, the new “ai” assistants in Windows, iOS, and Android? Can read your screen, microphone, and etc. I’m not really sure what you should use unless you use coded language. Even then, there’s just too much information about you out there anyway. Best bet would to be have conversations in private away from any electronic devices or use something like tails.
When I started selling on n ebay over 20 years ago I would list CDs and other items with stock images because I didn’t have a camera, people would physically mail me checks or money orders, I would deposit those and wait for them to clear, then mail them their items. I found a ln old piece of software in box that had a printed exchange between the buyer and seller off of a bbs from the early nineties.
I used to buy and sell car parts on a vehicle specific forum, but you could see the person’s forum activity.
The board game geeks website seems to do ok with math trades. I’m not really sure how trust gets established there. Reddit does or used to to the secret Santa thing.
There’s discogs for buying and selling media.
Of course everything is a scam now, even from “legitimate” companies.
People using marketplace to have things shipped is completely wild to me. Even local sellers are dishonest about the quality of their shit. At least on ebay you can get your money back if there’s a problem. I’m not sure if you could build some kind of token of trust that doesn’t require a central place that stores sensitive information. Maybe a way to verify yourself through a trusted platform like eBay, but those accounts can be stolen as well.
Whatever happened to people using craigslist is beyond me. Maybe the scams and lack of user accounts became a problem. They did implement an email system and you have to pay to list cars due to dealership spam. Of course a bunch of other platforms tried to take off and some alternatives became popular in other countries.
The benefit of decentralization is better moderation and specialization. It’s much harder to scam a small community. eBay does absorb a lot of losses by just refunding buyers when there’s a problem.
My small town growing up has a town square. It’s a giant roundabout with a park in the middle and stores on the outside perimeter. If you showed those people a roundabout, they would still lose their minds.
Delete Facebook and hit the gym
I would just buy houses in fancy HOA neighborhoods and let homeless people live there.
I got lucky on the fact that I’m old now so I was able to buy a house in 2014 with a low interest rate. I also live in a low cost of living area, my mortgage, which includes property taxes and house insurance is $1k/mo. The majority is that goes to taxes and insurance, interest is about $60/mo. I have 5 more years on the 15 yr mortgage. I’ve gotten lucky that we’ve not had to have any major repairs in the past ten years, but I was looking for houses that were who built with good roofing and hvac systems since those are the two killers. The house has a lot of dated aesthetics from every decade from the sixties onwards, but that stuff is easy and cheap, plus you’re probably going to do that kind of stuff anyway.
You will be called “the new hire” until I eventually learn what your name is in a year or two.
Usually when they cover western expansion. However, U.S. history taught in school is mostly propoganda.