Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless…[no more than this]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Remember those mobile games where you can watch ads to get some gold and diamonds or simply pay for them with real money? Well, I can imagine a dystopian future where that logic has been applied to everything.

    Wanna press an elevator button? Pay with shopping center diamonds or watch this quick ad.

    Wanna try on this shirt before buying it? Ads. Is this made of cotton? Ads.

    Take the escalator to the next floor? Ads.

    Wanna check the info screen to figure out where you can find a restaurant in this shopping center? Ads.

    Wanna unlock different parts of the menu? Ads. Wanna see the prices too? Ads. Allergens? Ads again.

    Need to go to the toilet? Ads. Want some toilet paper? More ads.

    If you encounter this literally every 30 seconds, spending some money on those shopping center diamonds suddenly becomes a very appealing idea.

    On the outside of the mall you see a punk looking guy with a Molotov cocktail in his hand. You feel a sudden urge to join in whatever he is up to.

    Anyway, if you want some more suffering and sadness, simply dump the first lines to GPT and ask it to take this dystopia to its logical conclusion. It could get pretty wild.

  • Selection bias. There’s plenty of overlap between the groups of people who know about it, care about it, use FOSS, use Lemmy etc. It’s basically a prominent characteristic of the stereotypical Lemmy user. We’re still a small and surprisingly homogenous group of people. If Lemmy ever grows like Mastodon, you’ll begin to see more diversity.

    There’s also something you could call the “fish out of water” bias. If you’re not LGBT, you’ll suddenly notice how many LGBT people there are on Mastodon. If you’re not into ML, you’re going to notice the people who are.

  • You’re right, that it would be bad for humans. I’m just looking at the big picture and what would good for it in the long run.

    Humans already make similar decisions anyway. Certain part of the population will suffer so that another one can benefit. Occasionally, these sorts of decisions also lead to deaths. In an even larger scale, humans have also decided that certain animals and plants can suffer so that humans may thrive. Imagine if the ecosystem as a whole could make a decision like this about itself. Do you think the it would keep humanity, remove it entirely or maybe trim it down a bit?

    But seriously though, humans are here to stay for the time being, and I prefer to keep it that way. Unlike Linkola, I’m in no hurry to see disasters wipe out a portion of humanity.

  • Some people like the looks. Some people buy one because it serves as a status symbol. Some people just go with the flow and buy one, simply because everyone else already has one. Some people appreciate the coherent UI. Some people already use various other Apple products and services, so they prefer to get the synergy of also using an iPhone.

    I don’t really care much about any of those things, but I have some special software and hardware that only works with vanilla or OEM Android and iOS. Trust me, I tried lots of different tweaks and hacks, but eventually had to face the harsh reality that nowadays things are specifically designed to prevent people like me from doing whatever I want. If things had worked with Lineage or Graphene, I would obviously be using those instead. Since that isn’t the case, I had to pick the least offensive one from a list of two awful options. This decisions shows that I value the compatibility that comes with an iPhone.

    I’m sure there are lots of other reasons too.

  • UAZ Cabriolet

    It’s clearly the worst car money can buy. Before starting the engine, you need to check which liquids have leaked out and add some accordingly. Pretty much anything and everything can and will leak. Who needs a gym when just turning the wheel is a workout. If you want to listen to hardbass while driving, you need to bring your own stereo with you since this car doesn’t have one. It’s the only car that can be improved by a mechanical failure. When the engine or transmission inevitably dies, you’re finally free from this torment.

    0/10, would not recommend