Thank God somebody got it.
Thank God somebody got it.
My first experience with this food was in Halifax decades ago. The Halifax Donair is a unique thing.
And it’s definitely Donair, not Doner.
For me Bazzera Magica and Baratza Vario grinder some time back. Better coffee than most cafes.
I looked and Python has the library support for the GPIO and to do background threading to poll pins. My preference would be to go with a JVM language like Kotlin, but then I’m a programmer. Python, from the little that I’ve mucked about with it is really just one step in complexity from scripting. Maybe even easier, because some things in shell scripts are super difficult to do.
Maybe then you need to move one stop up from scripting into something closer to actually programming. I’d be surprised if Python doesn’t have the library support on a Pi for dealing with both serial and GPIO I/O.
the end stop in external to the serial communication
Does this mean that you have some kind of other signals or pin-outs? If so, this is starting to sound like a great project for a Raspberry Pi, because the GPIO pin array can handle that.
Keep in mind that it has been decades since I last used Kermit, but I’m pretty sure the use case it was originally designed for was…
Connect to a serial port, which had a modem attached. Talk to the modem and get it to dial a number. Presumably, the remote end answered and the port attached to its modem would issue a login prompt. Negotiate the login and then issue a bunch of commands to change directories and then launch Kermit on the remote system. After that Kermit to Kermit communications took over until you terminated the session. Finally, log off the remote system and hang up the modem.
All of this stuff could be done via scripts. I seem to remember that it would actually wait for a response, and then parse the response in the script. I don’t remember ever doing polling loops.
If you’re on a *nix box of some type, it’s totally possible to open up a serial port for manual I/O even in something like a bash script. Even if you have to reverse telnet to a terminal server.
Kermit on top of FTP can work really well. Kermit has its own communication and transfer protocol, IIRC, but updates in the 1990’s allowed it to be used with TCP/IP and FTP. So you can write a script to log into a remote system, run some commands and then initiate a file transfer. The scripting allows you to wait for responses and act on them.
That used to be really true when I was a kid in the 79’s, but not so much today. Back then, a quality guitar cost way more than the cheap stuff and the cheap stuff was rubbish.
Nowadays, with CNC machines everywhere, there are lots of modestly priced guitars that are very playable. The junk that we used to have to settle with back in the day only exists in the realm of “toy” instruments that almost aren’t intended to be played.
Seriously, $300 can get you a very playable instrument, especially in electric guitars.
The workplace should have a zero tolerance policy about abuse of the staff. If the particular location is one where there is a significantly non-zero chance of such incidents happening, then there should be a big red button on the wall that sounds and alarm, and summons security and possibly triggers a police response.
Employees should be trained to hit the button at the first hint of abuse. The employer should support them.
It doesn’t have to be BYOD. The firm might willing to procure a specific machine for her. Or she might have enough clout to make them get her what she wants.
Rogers won’t let you use wifi calling to avoid the roaming charges. I’ve tried.
Canadian providers all charge about $15 a day to “roam like home”. For about $20 I can buy a 30 day 5GB data only plan for Europe. Getting a European phone number doubles the cost as most of those plans have much more data as well. You can buy the plans before you leave, download and install the eSIM so you’re ready to go when you arrive.
The wife and I both bought Pixel 7’s this year as they support eSIM. We’re in England right now. Our cost roaming would have been $600+. Only one of us needed a local phone number, and the has just data, and the cost was maybe $70.
I never expected to see a compiler in this list, at least not in 2023.
Back in 1988 I realized how rubbish Microsoft was when I discovered Borland’s Turbo Pascal and Turbo C compilers. I’d previously used the MS compilers and they were multipass, multi-minutes to finish a compile. The Borland ones were single pass and FAST.
Back then, compile times could be huge, and everyone was publishing benchmarks on compiled program performance, which mattered on the hardware of the day. I never even think about that stuff these days.
The head is shaped like a mushroom, so it cuts on the side and right on top. Unlike the others which are tube shaped.
I just tried it. It does a pretty good job, but I don’t have really furry ears.
That’s what I thought until I got that one. Then I realized what I had been missing all along. Marketing? Nope. Just sharing what I found to be good.
Every time I go back to Java I feel sad.
That’s a little confused. From what I remember, it’s the server that matters, not the domain when being blocked. If you self-host this is a problem, but not if you use your own domain on a commercial service.
The “MX records and such” are all a function of domain management. You’ll have to do this whether or not you self-host.