Since most of us can’t afford retirement this should make a comeback.
Or we push billionaires down a cliff and use that money to take care of the elderly.
Since most of us can’t afford retirement this should make a comeback.
Or we push billionaires down a cliff and use that money to take care of the elderly.
I was inspired by american lawmaking.
And it’s not only america that is discussing restrictions on unhealthy food.
Btw, around 100k Americans die of diabetes. While smoking (which is restricted in various ways) kills 500k Americans this is the combined number of smoke related deaths diabetes is one of many food related health conditions.
I’m too lazy to format my links right now but as you see there are references that similar measures are taken in the US and internationally.
Btw, I never claimed you have to stop shoving whatever disgusting crap you consider edible into your food hole. You’re free to do whatever you want. I just suggested that you’d have to buy multiple portions instead of one so you might have the opportunity to reflect your gluttonous abuse of your own body as I do think producers are marketing their products in an unethical way.
Old is correct.
We weren’t poor I just annoyed my poor mom to get me cereals because of the toys.
It can stay but I’d like to restrict the packaging size of highly processed food and food that’s otherwise extremely unhealthy.
For example breakfast cereal. Wtf? How does that even exist? Why was I allowed to eat a fucking bowl of that in the morning as a child?
I like em but not enough to justify the amount of calories I’m ingesting. There’s better food for cheat days imo.
deleted by creator
The first part is exactly what happened here.
That’s an outrageous amount of nerdiness on such a specific topic. Respect and a nice little boost to you.
You said some controversial stuff and are upset that you got downvoted? Grow up, not everyone has to like what you say and if you’re so needy for validation say something you know won’t get pushback.
Consider watching the original Gundam anime first. It’s time consuming and not the greatest (although decent) anime and it can feel a little dated but I would’ve liked to watch NGE after I watched that. Knowing the author of NGE watched it in his youth gives you a really good idea of the intentions he had when he created NGE.
I heard about it but I think I heard how incomplete the anime is story wise and I didn’t want to get upset about that.
I’m a little disappointed that Hajime No Ippo wasn’t mentioned. It’s from the early 2000s, plays in the late 80s and it’s about boxing. The writing and how fleshed out the characters are is unexpectedly good for that kind of setup and it’s one of my absolute favorites.
Two great comical animes are golden boy and great teacher onizuka but they have a lot of cliche anime perverted jokes I can see putting off a lot of people especially when they’re not deep into anime.
Then there’s goblin slayer but you might want to look up the controversy about the first episode before you go blindly into it.
I watched it early on when I got into anime and I missed the point of it because of it as it’s kind of playing off anime (especially Gundam) tropes you might want to get more familiar with to get the message.
I’m a misanthrope and I hate racists more than most people.
I’d immediately try to give away most of it to a good cause I carefully researched or pull up my own organization that tries to tackle problems that could be improved with that kind of money.
You can’t be a billionaire and a good person as you decide to not share an outrageous amount of wealth you couldn’t spend in multiple lifetimes without diving into more and more absurd forms of consumerism.
So what you’re saying is his hand was shaking without your involvement?
That’s a male turkey.
Also there are plenty of women out there who enjoy being pieces of meat, ready to be slapped at will (in the right context) so please don’t enforce your own preferences and prejudices onto others who just want to have fun.