I love how this implies the protagonist just wants to die
I love how this implies the protagonist just wants to die
Unfortunately, we all know for the US it would go fine. The UK is the same, we whine for a bit, then nothing happens
I would get a Galaxy Tab if the E-Ink isn’t vital for you. But otherwise it’s a very capable E-Int tablet, and it running Android means you can do anything on it you can an Android tablet.
The real killer is the latency though, for most things it’s pretty bad, except in Boox’s own apps where it’s so damn quick it feels like writing on paper.
I wouldn’t recommend it unless you know it’s exactly what you’re looking for, but if it is what you want then it’s easily best in class
I have a Boox Ultra C. It has the same screen, I can confidently say the colours are utter shite for any kind of colour sensitive work or media. However, they’re more than good enough for conveying information, like different coloured lines on a chart.
The colours also look sharp as fuck, as the grey scale is still used for brightness, and the colour just tints it. Meaning it looks a lot sharper than 150ppi and almost indistinguishable from 300ppi
The UK has some of the worst housing issues in Europe, yet the amount of houses (dwellings) per person has slightly increased since 2001
21,210,000÷59,113,0000=0.35 Houses per person in 2001
24,930,000÷67,350,695=0.37 Houses per person in 2021
Yet rents and house prices have absolutely skyrocketed. Supply exceeds demand, it’s just greed, long term empty investment properties and government inaction.
Sources https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/dwelling-stock-estimates-in-england-2022/dwelling-stock-estimates-england-31-march-2022 https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/2020#the-uks-population-continues-to-grow-but-at-a-slower-rate-than-previously
I’m not sure where you’re going with that? I would argue that yes, it is. As it’s sexual material of a child, with that child’s face on it, explicitly made for the purpose of defaming her. So I would say it sexually abused a child.
But you could also be taking the stance of “AI trains on adult porn, and is mearly recreating child porn. No child was actually harmed during the process.” Which as I’ve said above, I disagree with, especially in this particular circumstance.
Apologies if it’s just my reading comprehension being shit