I feel like I’ll probably watch that Mayfair Witches show starring Alexandra Daddario at some point, but it hasn’t happened yet.
I feel like I’ll probably watch that Mayfair Witches show starring Alexandra Daddario at some point, but it hasn’t happened yet.
My Spanish is mediocre, but typically can get me from A to B without a lot of misunderstandings. I was driving back from the Mall in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and my very British GPS decided to route me via “Calle Ajore.” Now everybody uses abbreviations for the word “street” - and in Spanish uses “C.” For “Calle” just like English uses “St.”
So, I’m battling traffic, and Lady Winifred Windsor the GPS advises me to “Turn right to see a whore.”
I didn’t get what you were asking until I started to answer. The parameter is the angle. The algorithm is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CORDIC . In (most?) compiled languages, this algorithm is performed on hardware. In (some?) interpreted languages, it’s done in hardware.
It’s amazing how quickly the response to “that looks odd” has become counting fingers.
It could be lifesaving in those rare occasions that you accidentally call the teacher ‘Mom.’
Browse by subscribed, top n hours, where n is 3, 6 12, 24 or whatever feels best.
Did you grow up in a different region than your husband? Based on my mother and grandmother, I’d bet that ‘Toasted Cheese’ was prevalent in the southwest US in the mid-1900s. Both terms sound right to me.
Observing democratically-elected governments being unable to address existential threats to the human race is certainly food for thought.
For startrek.website: “Where My Heart Will Take Me (Faith of the Heart)” by Russell Watson.
Once the body of that first billionaire hits the floor, they’re gonna start dropping like flies.
Sounds like copy-pastas.
This name goes back to the early text-based multiplayer adventure games of the late 80s, when our area of the Internet was still called ARPAnet. It was originally (Felix) Hausdorff, the founder of Topology. But, Hausdorff is a lot more typing than Haus.
Hey you sass that hoopy, atlasraven31, there’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.
I don’t buy into all the soul mumbo-jumbo, but it makes for good stories. Also, the Catholics made some good music back in the day.
March 2010 - bitcoin was way, way less than a penny.
I don’t block much, but I have seen a number of shameless ad accounts and a number of rabid fascist accounts, and life’s too short to listen to either of those.
I think that’d shake out to being an air conditioner with nitrogen as the “air.” You’d lose some nitrogen every use, but nitrogen is cheap.
The problem is your piece of pizza would become as brittle and sharp as ice, and likely to injure you if you handled it.
Inkscape and GIMP as alternatives to Illustrator and Photoshop.
At work, I oversimplify things to the point that they’re no longer strictly true all the time.
Did he make you manually allocate all the space for food in your stomach before you started to eat?