I thought adults were smarter than me
I thought adults were smarter than me
deleted by creator
krill your interviewer and seal his identity
Little to no sauce retention
that’s why you eat it with a spoon
it should just be deleted
English (1,452 million speakers) First language: 372.9 million
This is already wrong, which means your entire premise is prob wrong
anglozone population = 510 million. I’m pretty sure more than 72% of that population speaks english fluently
bc crackers got lucky 500 years ago by finding an entire hemisphere of free money, thus any “free commerce” after this date necessarily advantages crackers, and “authoritarian” (AKA anti-freecommerce) measures are necessary to avoid a horde of crackers (and one Iranian cuck) owning the entire oil deposits of Iran
bc crackers lie about everything including the 1st definition, and most people regardless of race only watch and listen to cracker media and learn cracker languages and spend their time in cracker echo-chambers, and also most people are just stoopid (way too stupid to be cognizant of this), so even when point #1 ceases to be true and commerce starts to benefit some Asian country who pulled themselves up against all titanic odds, you will still have billions of people agreeing with the worldwide cracker circlejerk
you wouldn’t download a pizza
critical support to reddit for making reddit mods’ lives worse
How is that holding up as a marketing technique
the kindergarteners playing roblox on their mom’s phone don’t care
you already have their malware and that’s all that matters
it’s gonna be the best bit ever