Already done
Biting my nails till they bleed
I don’t remember…
How do you think Jesus walked on water?
laughs in masochism
I work security at a casino and one night a guest overdosed in his car, crashed into a snow berm and had his foot still on the peddle, completely shredding the tires. I drove out there with our medic and the cops were out there too. I then had to leave temporarily to pick someone up so we could issue him barring paperwork and ban him from the property.
When we got back to the scene, the cops had let him walk back into the casino to look for his friends so he could figure out transportation so we drove back to the casino, and found him on the ground, overdosing again. Called the medic over, called AMR, and administered Narcan so he wouldn’t die. Luckily he came to and got transported to the hospital.
Don’t fuck with fentanyl.
Black pants and a security shirt.
Sharply contrasted by my bright pink hair
Neat. I have a little more respect for skinheads, apologies for generalizing
Ohhhh, interesting. Didn’t realize people voluntarily identify as skinheads when they’re not racist. Thought it was an explicitly derogatory term for them.
All in sayin’ is that a skinhead’s a skinhead.
I prefer listening to stuff in the backgroind over reading so: Electric intifada, empire files, secular talk, Lee camp, and various other left wingers.
I’d say two hundred to be on the safe side. Have each clone specialize in different skills that would be beneficial in a grand adventure. Have some infiltrate white nationalist groups, government positions, etc. Giving my clones their own identity would be important, so many would need to undergo plastic surgery and build fake identities. I would also have many clones assist with organizing unions and creating revolutionary organizations, though I would tell nobody of the Hestia Legion, as to avoid the eyes of the powers that be.
Have others learn martial arts, visit shooting ranges, chemistry labs, and fab shops to learn how to build tools to further Our aims.
Others, including Hestia Prime, would form a “think tank” of sorts, where we’d take all the information from the hivemind and prepare the revolution.