Public Money, Public Code. All governments should only be using FOSS software.
Public Money, Public Code. All governments should only be using FOSS software.
Surprised this isn’t mentioned more because it’s one of the only true alternatives for all the google feature-set.
I am a time traveller and I was trying to throw you off my trail but I seem to have failed.
Trainspotting. I do feel like it kept me away from drugs though.
Trump counterbalance keeping it in check but my gut is saying once tariffs come in February there’s going to be a market correction. Pure speculation on my part.
You’re describing the internet though. If two people meet in a public space and conspire to commit a crime, the public space isn’t fined. In the same way that if two people on Lemmy meet and then conspire to commit a crime, the space shouldn’t be fined. If OTOH the platform owner was made aware and didn’t take action, then yes that would be aiding a crime.
I think it il depend on the military industrial complex in the USA and whether they decide to off Trump or not. If Trump goes isolationist then they’ll probably merc him. If he invades Panama and starts a hot war with Iran then there probably won’t be a world war (ironically). If China invades Taiwan and the US blinks then there won’t be a world war. If the US attacks China for taking over Taiwan then we’ll be in a world war.
That would be hell for the dying person to die every day and hell for the caretaker of that person to either kill them every morning or leave them to suffer.
The USA was the moral leader the world. But I watched CNN as a kid so…
I don’t think all social media should be based in one country because that creates a risk of political censorship.
China installed 181 GW of solar power capacity from January to October 2024. It’s installing about 200 GW of solar every year. In about 20 years we will have so much renewable energy and renewable storage mechanisms that oil will no longer be a reason for wars. In 100 years from now generative AI might exist and humans will be on Mars. Everything I do that’s constructive for the world, that isn’t exploitative, keeps these positive developments progressing however slowly so that future generations of humanity will not know our suffering.
What’s with the identity politics man? Does what he says makes sense or not? Don’t tell me you won’t listen to rich white people when they make sense because they’re rich and white.
Zionists really captured that platform.
You should look at JTX Board. It’s associated with DAVx5 and they do the vjournal and vtodo standards. They have a list of services that support it. https://jtx.techbee.at/sync-with-davx5
Sounds like you might have ADHD. Anyway, don’t give up. I found mindfulness practice 15 mins a day helped me a lot.
I think part of your problem is you’re comparing yourself to others that are different to you. It’s like thinking you’re lesser because you’re not a tall basketball player, when you’re not meant to be a basketball player. IMO if you can hold a steady job to pay yhe bills that’s probably the first thing. Then a good way to get off the drugs is to focus on exercise and eating healthy. If you can keep that up for a year theoretically you should feel a lot better about yourself. Maybe get into reading books as well. Even the most trashy of books.
Set up a trust to invest the money, from the compounding returns, use a sustainable portion of the dividends to fund a cause you believe will help change the world. Be very explicit to the trust managers as to the long term instructions of the trust.
With compound market returns the million dollars could be worth $40 million in 50 years and would be distributing af a sustainable 3% dividend, 1.2 million a year to a cause you believe in.
All these US-centric answers. Learn Mandarin. The world will continue on after the US empire ends.