Music, games, foss, reading, biking & more
My chromebook is too small for that much info in one panel.
It’s a fuckin owl ya’ll!!
Personally i like the tale of prometheus. One Mans willingness to help others is rewarded in punishment from the anger of the gods. Shows how petty the gods really.
Forbsomebreason i literally cannot upload photos onto lemmy.
Reply_meme: “the joke going over head”
I read this to my wife & she said, “ when Ronald Reagan died, he created the worlds first gender-neutral bathroom”.
i tried that on my phone but not on my computer. i was away at the time. gimme a min or two and i’ll give it a go. edit: it did not work.
voyager ios is my go to lemmy app! it just wasn’t working. maybe it was an instance thing.
i have tried like 5 different apps and web apps to upload this stupid picture, no lemmy app or website would make it load. >: (
Autoplayed videos are the devil. If an add autoplays i report it.
Might bw time to try thunderbird again
Didnt know about this! FANTASTIC STUFF
Gygax. D&D themed Classic rock group from former members of gypsyhawk. Each, EACH, damn song is a fuckin banger. Love Song of the Silversmiths particularly. Gygax- song of the silversmiths
And soon microsoft.
Thats some dethklok levels of black.
Cause our chins are weird.
Place moss in the bed then get garden boxes & plant local wildflowers or veggies in the box to sit on top of the moss.
Moss needs like ,no work, & local wildflowers are amazing for the pollinators. You’ll be the talk of the town.
My mom only made this like once or twice. But it was amazing.
Kitty+fish= killer combo. 10/10