Buy gold, keep cash on a safe at home, make sure all documents are current and aren’t about to expire (in case you need to quickly leave the country). Prioritize essential purchases over luxury ones and if short on cash pay those over debt payments
I am no longer here, and have moved to
Buy gold, keep cash on a safe at home, make sure all documents are current and aren’t about to expire (in case you need to quickly leave the country). Prioritize essential purchases over luxury ones and if short on cash pay those over debt payments
Which looking at it on a purely biological lens is to satiate a need to procreate.
There isn’t a limit, your tastes on what you consider “attractive” will change over time. When one is young one only thinks on reproduction, and the older one gets, the more prevalent just having someone who you enjoy keeping you company.
Blue Cheese is the king of cheese
Haven’t seen it mentioned once. Most of the time, it’s to NOT use brave as it’s sketchy, and to use Vivaldi, or even better Firefox.
“Worst buy”, fucking lol
Ok, this is my new favorite community
Destiny 2, the death of Caide-6. I was pissed and wanted to avenge him so much.
He was such a beloved character by the whole community that Bungie is bringing him back from the dead (somehow) for the final chapter of the game story.
Oh that? No no, that a errrr… a yoga suit
Step 1. Go to medical school
Only in a capitalist society
Whatsapp because I can’t get anyone to flip
I can’t comment outside of personal experience, but I noticed my retention has gotten incredibly short. I have this little slab constantly calling for my attention and won’t let me focus on anything for a long period of time. Then, because of the convenience of storing everything electronically and having it in that same little slab, I have noticed that I can’t really remember much. However, as of late, I have taken up journaling and writing everything down with pen and paper, and this has allowed me to remember and focus better on things.
I have heard that because writing is slower than typing things, it gives more time for our brains to memorize them. Also, I have turned off all notifications and left all social networks, and I can feel more engaged in whatever is going on in my real life.
Does tidal serve podcasts?
And budgets in home economics
No metal? Get some Megadeath albums to fix that.
Here in the us there are certain fabric sprays that help with static buildup, so there might be some alternative over there in Australia.
A humidifier will also work but is pricier in comparison.
Lastly you can wrap a cover cable to your anke and burry the other side in the ground 😆
You should be able to just go to Settings > Battery and seeing the battery usage of your phone broken down by apps.
Gold because regardless of the US economy, gold will still be something worth trading, it is also easier to carry than necessities and can be used as improvised currency with a more stable value over basic necessities. For basic goods, you have to always watch out sine you A. Use them yourself, and B. Everyone needs them but may not give them the same value necessarily.