I would highly recommend “Let the baby drive”, a super oversimplified summary could be “Nap when new baby naps”, but there is so much more in there.
I would highly recommend “Let the baby drive”, a super oversimplified summary could be “Nap when new baby naps”, but there is so much more in there.
They also have electric ones. They use a UV bulb and some titanium compound that releases CO2 when hit by UV, pretty neat and work decently once you interrupt the breeding cycle. Dynatrap is the popular brand I think.
I’m still using my PRS-505 I bought in 2009, it’s amazing and l don’t think I’ll ever give it up.
I used to frequent a thrift shop that gave books away for free, I saw a copy of Cloud Atlas and thought it would be a good read (it was). I accidentally for the dust cover a little then looked at the title page, signed first edition. Not worth much, but cool nonetheless.
My goal is to move to nice IP cams one day but for now I have analog cameras and a DVR in the closet hooked to a cheap monitor that’s paid for.
Try the app IPCamViewer by Robert Chou (here is a link to the lite version, I think there is an iOS one as well https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rcreations.ipcamviewer). It can view damn near any brand DVR, that at least let me view stuff remotely.
If you want to up it another level, if your old school DVR supports RTSP, you can probably feed that into something like Frigate for real time alerts and object detection.
Oh and congratulations! It’ll be an adventure, have fun and cherish those moments (even when you’re pulling your hair out lol).