Trademark law only prohibits the use of a trademarked character if doing so “is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive” consumers about the source or sponsorship of the new product
Trademark law only prohibits the use of a trademarked character if doing so “is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive” consumers about the source or sponsorship of the new product
As long as you only use this Mickey in artistic work then it’s fine. If you start using it as branding and marketing like slapping that Mickey on a box of cereals then Disney will come after you because they can say your product causes consumer confusion and consumers associate your product with Disney. Which violates the trademark.
So if you want to make a Steamboat Willie 2 the promotional material needs to be very clear that it’s not a Disney production.
Disney published a poster with Mickey with gloves in 1928, so Steamboat Willie Mickey with gloves is also in the public domain. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE8AT04E/
They lost the copyright of the Steamboat Willie characters as well. So the Steamboat willie version of the Mickey Mouse design is in the public domain. All the other Mickey Mouse designs are still under Disney’s copyright and they still own the Mickey Mouse trademark.
So yes you can use Steamboat Willie Mickey in anything you want and create derivative work.
Akira vibes
Beavers create wetlands where other animals thrive. Plus wetlands are carbon sinks.
Wasn’t it because he did not disclose all the information he is supposed to disclose to the board?
Are you like that around everyone or just the men you feel attracted to? If it’s around everyone you should probably work on that first. Maybe join a Toastmasters club to build confidence.
Yes we simple. But we need clear signs to be sure that she’s into a man or just being friendly. A smile and say hi and talking about what excites them is what very outgoing women do out of friendliness and is not a sign of attractiveness.
That Germany is Europes biggest economy. 100 years ago Europe was fresh out of WW1 and Germany was bankrupted as punishment.
Engels zit ook vol met Oud Nederlandse woorden.
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Corsair or privateer
Just nuke Jerusalem. If these religious fuck nuts can’t play nicely together someone should take their toys away.
I think that mindset happens in all diaspora communities. Even people in the US who are like 6 generations away from an European ancestor somehow have a dumbass fascist opinion about European issues, that leftist and immigrants are ruining Europe and Europe was better when their ancestors still lived there. These diaspora want to see their motherland frozen in time and not modernize and progress, since for them it’s a holiday destination and a trip down memory lane and they want to see a quaint civilization stuck doing the old ways.
Nothing of value has been lost.
Just the travel cost. Not their time.
Why? It’s just a fraction of the salary anyway. Like most people only get €0.20 per km since that is what an employer can compensate tax free. With an average one way commute in my country of 20km that’s only €8 a day for a round trip so about €160 a month.
Or a lot of people get a lease car from the company as a perk but then they don’t get compensated for their travel cost.
Just buy a VR headset. No need for extra limbs