Bro I typed a whole comment and then something messed up and didnt send.
to long won’t write again: I have felt similar, but as a way to avoid crippling debt in the US (tho I am not in a bad spot yet).
Free and open source software
Bias for FOSS
Where can one read more on the second paragraph?
And then they complain about the cost of fuel.
They are over rated. And I’m a Texan.
I wonder how things are going to go with the tariff penalty stacking with rear earth metal ban.
That would be helpful.
Same. On top of the fact the commercialization cheapens the experience.
I’m going to say 1millon per month.
Free protein kind king!
By being a anon data point you also help those who are persecuted look normal
What’s the best way to get started with SCP?
The purposeful degradation of repair.
Are you purposefully missing the point? If the greater market is uninformed and buying inferior offering; soon that is all that will be available.
That is fucked up.